Favorite Feed?

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Sep 20, 2011
:Im about to get my new (and first!) chin in one month. I know which pellets are good quality and I was thinking about getting Mazuri. But some people i have talked to said that they eventually switched over because it was not their favorite. So, in your opinion which feed/pellets do you like the best and think I should get?

Thanks in advance for the feedback ! :)
Some people really like mazuri but alot have said it's given their chins smooshy poo. I'm going through it right now with my chin (hopefully it's just the food)
Oxbow is what alot of people use and that's very good quality. Also, mana pro premium rabbit food is good as well. I'll be switching my chins over to that soon.

Good luck with your new chin & hope everything goes well :))
If you are planning on buying at the pet store, go with Oxbow. You can also order from people here on the forum and get Oxbow or another good feed from them. You will find them in the classified ads. Some of the good brands include Purina Rabbit Chow Show Formula, Tradition, Nutrena and APD. Ordering online can also save you quite a bit of money.
I've been using Mauzri, and haven't had any issues. It was the food of choice for the breeder when I got my first pair. So for me the choice was easy. The second pair she had on PSRC but I switched them over to mauzri.

Plus, I can get a 25lb bag of it at the feed store for $15 (Not sure I'd get a 25lb bag if you only have one chin though.....But you could always sell some excess off here on the forum).....
i will be using Mazuri, since the feed store carries it here. And plus it's what the previous owners have used.
I don't actually know what they were on before. Not a lot of information from the woman I adopted them from. But we got them some Oxbow and they responded really well to it. So much so they'll take it hand fed :)
I feed my chinnies Mazuri and have never had any issues. It is easy to find around me and not too pricey.
I was using Mazuri until the store here stopped selling it. So I switched to Oxbow. The switch was hard for Trixie...but she likes it now.
It's not that helpful to you, but I prefer to feed Beaphar Care + here. My chins are all doing well on it, even though it's pricey. I gather though that it's not at all economical for people in the USA to import it, so it tends to be used in special cases.

They all enjoy it.
I used to feed my chin mazuri, but the store didn't carry it one day so I switched to oxbow. I have been equally happy with both brands, and have never had an issue with either.
I have used Manna Pro Sho for the past few years and have been extremely happy with it... downfall for a pet owner - it is only sold in 50 pound bags.
Thanks everyone! [: Considering everyones response I think I'll go with Oxbow, just to avoid any problems that may happen in the future with Mazuri. Also now that I'm thinking about it if I ever need to get the pellets fast I can just go down to the petstore.
When I first got my boys I was feeding them Kaytee from the pet store.... it way junky.... I tired Mazuri but my boys really like Purina Rabbit Chow Show Formula so that is what I stick with. Some rabbit foods are ok to feed your chins but some is not. Purina Rabbit Chow Show Formula is good for chins.

If you do switch foods mix it an switch slowly so your chins get used to the new ans they are weened off the old.
I love oxbow. we've been through a few here.. but Oxbow is easiest around here to find and good for them
If I ever switched feeds, I would definitely go with Oxbow. It seems like a very good feed. Chloe likes her PRCS and does well on it, but of she didn't, I'd be contacting Sandi for some Oxbow asap. Good choice, hope they do well on it.