Faux log cabin type house. opinions?

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Blue Eternity

i love making things for my girl. i just thought of something cool as im boiling/baking some twigs... would it be possible to make a type of log cabin for chins? like, make a pine house as a base, but then glue/attach halves of thick twigs to the side, so it looks like a log cabin from the outside.

has anyone ever done this?

thanks for your time :]

:heart: grace + noelle
I know some people make bridges using wire to hold large cuts together - maybe that would work for a house? Though I'm not sure about chewing to expose the wire if it was a house vs a hanging bridge....
Many people here on the forum make all sorts of pine houses for you to make yours unique is a great idea, make sure you post pics when you're done :D! Also, I think the glue that most people use is Elmer's.
How funny! My husband came up with this idea yesterday as well. Right now I don't have any large cuts, but I do have a pecan tree in my back yard that I plan on using in the next few months. It may be time for some log cabins. :D