Experienced Hamster Owners: I just got Sprayed?!?!

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My babies Rock!
Jan 31, 2009
Western NY aka: Our Zoo. (We only lack a bird.)
I haven't read *anything* about this in my research. Hamster in question is a peach and white "Teddy Bear" (Syrian), in a 10 gallon with mesh top, on a seed mix + fresh veggies and Carefresh bedding. While handing 'her' tonight, the dog jumped on the couch, hammer spooked and I swear, turned around and aimed 'her' little hinder at me and let fly with a jet of pee at least a foot long. Soaked me totally.

Now, 'her' is a best guess based on what I've seen/researched about hammies. Is it known whether one gender or another will spray like this?

Also, this stuff foamed when it hit my shirt, hand, etc. Is that normal for these animals?

Thanks in advance.
I have a male hamster and have never experienced that or heard of that. I guess it is some sort of defense reaction, but I had never heard of that in hamsters.
WOW i have never heard of this in my whole life! (:)
Very unusual....yikes!
I would call the nearest vet and ask them and see what they say.
Sorry I wasnt any help....
wish you the best!
Our little female ham has never done this, though I imagine it's possible. I'm pretty sure they can also release a musk of sorts if scared. Did it have the usual urine smell/color?
Also, you would definitely know if you had a boy, unless he/she is less than a few months old - the males' testicles are very noticeable, to say the least.
Yes, the pee was the usual smell and color, except for the foamy thing.

And I've seen no testicles, so I'm glad I'm sure I have a girl. :) She's nearly full grown if not already an adult, so I don't have to worry about changing her name from Princess Peach. :)

I'll have to do some more digging about this one. Thanks for the input everybody.