Exercise Wheel?

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2012
So my chins have only been getting out once a week but it's like all day. I know it's should be every day but I haven't had the time. So thought I could get them a wheel. I Linda want something under 50 but I can't seem to find one that's quiet and cheap. So if you have one your getting rid of or know of any places, let me know please.
I have 11 chinchillas and I do not let them out every day. Some have wheels while others don't for certain reasons. Leaving them out all day can lead to problems. Do you let them free roam? They need to eat and drink. I would not let them out for more than 1 hour tops in the summer, they can easily over heat. I just make sure they have enough chew toys to entertain them.
Yes. They can go back into their cage to eat/drink. They are in a chin safe area. They have plenty of boxes and toys to entertainment. And they would be in a cold basement with air conditioning.
Keep checking the classifieds for used wheels. I really like the flying saucer, but brand new, they're a little pricey.
Both of my chins have the silver flying saucer. They love them and it was worth every penny.