Evaporative air cooler or portable A/C in barn?

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Jun 7, 2012
I'm so excited to get my chinny! I'm gonna pick him up once I have everything ready for him. Okay, so we're currently trying to sell our house so my mom said that the chinchilla absolutely cannot come in the house while we are trying to sell. She didn't care at all when I said that all of the websites I'm checking state that chinchillas do not have an odor when the cages are kept clean. She basically said that any pet you have will have an odor. Trust me, I have tried very hard to convince her but she won't listen. So, instead of keeping the chinchilla in the house, I'm allowed to keep it in the barn in the tack room (away from our outside cat). The tack room is probably 9x11 sq. feet, so it's a pretty small room. I'm just wondering if I should get an evaporative air cooler or portable air conditioner? I have to pay for everything myself so I was leaning towards the evaporate air cooler as they are less expensive. Oh and I live in Iowa if that helps at all.

Thanks! :)
I know nothing about evaporative air coolers, but just in looking one up on amazon, it says something about "cooling the air to 12 degrees below ambient temperature." I don't know how hot it gets by you, but that means if it got over 82, it would lower the temperature, but not to a safe temperature -- i.e. it'd still be too hot.

Is there a window in the tack room that you could use to install a window A/C unit?

If not, well, or regardless... once the house sells, are you going to be able to keep the chin in the new house, rather than in the barn? If you are -- would it be possible to wait to get the chin until then, rather than mess with the expense and hassle of getting some sort of A/C unit and worrying about the chin in the tack room in the meantime?
The evaporative air cooler is too humid for chinnies. Maybe you could cut out a hole in the tack room door to place a "window" a/c and fix it when you sell. Don't blow the a/c directly on him. I really think you should wait until you have a proper place for him. Houses don't sell very fast and I'm not sure he would be happy or even survive 2 weeks/months/years like that. Please reconsider
I know when Bowen Ranch was in So CA they used evaporate air coolers/swamp coolers. I do not know how humid it gets in your area. If it is very humid it will not work as well as a drier area.