Either very brave, very stupid, or blind

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
L.A area
I read on here about another chinchilla that was blind. someone reccomended making a fast motion towards the chin, and if they didn't move, they might be blind. well, i tried that on both my chins, waving my hand in front of their faces, zooming my hand towards them and stopping (obviously) before it hit them, but they didnt move. their eyes just seem normal black to me, not cloudy. but when they are out at playtime, and i start to get up and they are at the other end of the pen, they jump around and scurry outa my way. its very strange. they don't bump into anything, and have no problem navigating a newly arranged cage. so, are my chins brave, stupid, or blind?
doesn't sound like they are blind to me, just sitting there going 'what the heck is this silly human doing with their hand?' lol. they probably scurry away at play time because they think you are going to put them back in their cage?
I agree, they probably think you're crazy! Its good that they trust you not to clunk them in the face!:hilarious: Sometimes I think they do things just to make us go :hmm:
Maybe they have problems with depth perception or are far sighted. Maybe they can see outlines more clearly from different distances. Who knows? I wouldn't worry about it until they start bumping into stuff or their eyes get opaque or abnormal looking.
Sometimes chins appear to sleep with their eyes open, kind of like a trancelike state - maybe that is what you are experiencing???
haha they do think im crazy!

no they are always active and grooming each other or eating when i do it. but yeah the rest of you are probably right!
Chinchillas are prey animals and waving your hand in front of their eyes could frighten them so please don't do this again. Sometimes a sudden movement startles them and if you want to bond with them you'll not want to startle or frighten them.
Oh I'm sorry. I was just following advice I received from another member on this forum.