Either my days getting worse or I'm cracking up.

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Jul 5, 2011
either my day is getting worse or I'm cracking up :hair:.

Giving Gizmo some cuddles during play time and I was stroking his back and sides and I felt something odd, So I blew at his fur to see what it could be and it's a scab, Yet no fur is missing, he's not itching and this scab is round, scabby color and dipped into the skin.. I swear it wasn't there few weeks back and if he recently did that to him self the fur would be missing right?

What could it be? :confused:
wasnt he just at the vet? could be subcu fluids or blood withdrawl needle scab?? maybe the spot hurt him and nibbled himself???
wasnt he just at the vet? could be subcu fluids or blood withdrawl needle scab?? maybe the spot hurt him and nibbled himself???

He was indeed, Yet with like my vets they don't check for anything unless you tell them so, I would say needle mark to put it's a pretty big scab more like my small finger nail size.