eating carefresh

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2010
How bad is it for them to eat carefresh bedding? I needed something more absorbent, so I'm trying carefresh, but they are eating it!
Eating carefresh will cause a gut blockage. It's designed to absorb moisture and swell, which is exactly what it does inside the chin's gut. I would remove it and replace it with wood shavings, either kiln dried pine or aspen. I'm not sure what you can use that is safe and more absorbent, but if you are using a litter pan maybe just change it more often? or get a bigger pan. Or if you cover the whole floor maybe make sure to clean up a much pee areas as you can everyday?

Looking at your other post (about the bacteria issues), if you can find the bedding that turns to sawdust, not puffs up and clumps, then that is safe, messy, but safe. I think I've seen it for horses.
Scratch that. I know it's really bad. I need advise on bedding. I've been using a mixture of kaytee clean and cozy and aspen bedding, but its not absorbing enough (my heavier chins are urine stained). I don't know what to switch to. I don't feel like fleece works well from my experience with them peeing on their fleece lined shelves. Would the carefree help absorb the urine from the fleece if I covered it with the fleece? Any suggested bedding is welcome!
Personally I've been using kiln dried pine and that seems to work really well. I change it out once a week with two chins. I've also used paper bedding in the past and not only was it expensive, but it didn't seem to work as well for keeping oder down.
Cozy n fresh natural pine litter was recommended to me. Is that safe? If they eat it is it okay? For some reason never thought the stuff that turned to powder was okay for chins, but if it is ill definitely give it a shot.