dyeing products.

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
Does anyone know whats the easiest way of dying wood, whicker, sisal, loofas etc with? I tried coolaid but it didnt work very well. Is food coloring safe to use for chins?? If I tried coolaid again, whats the mix water ratio? Any ideas or suggestions??
Here's how I do it... Use this Dye... IT's made by Wilton you can get it at any store that sells cake stuff...


Put 16 oz of warm water to a hole bottle of coloring and mix well.. I put mine a a bottle that you can close tightly and shake. Then I put the dye in a tupper ware container and dip my woods or what ever I am dying in the dye for about 10 seconds then I lay the wood on a cookie cooling rack wait an hour and dip again for another 10 seconds or so.. Then let dry for 1 to 2 days to ensure it drys completely... and your done... Hope this helps... I know other people will have other suggestion for you too...
Unsweetened Kool-Aid is a lot cheaper than Wilton's frosting coloring.
peggy--do you know the ratio for the kool aid? is it as directed on the package or do you dilute it less? i want to try to dye some of the pumice i have.
Just buy the little food coloring packages at the grocery store. They come in a package of 4. There's one with red, blue green and yellow, as well as some others. They'll be much cheaper than Wilton, since you can get the generic brand. And since you're not dying a ton of wood at once, it works.
I bye the Wilton bottles for $1.50 each and they last me a long time.. I can dye A LOT of wood with just one bottle... Not to expensive IMO....And I think the color comes out so much more bright and nice looking them using cool aid.. I could never get the cool aid to work out for me... But that's just my experience...
I agree with Alli. I've used the food coloring for quite some time with my wood and loofah. It's worked like a charm and is pretty inexpensive considering you can mix your primary colors.
Actually, what you get in those sets are the primary colors (red, blue and yellow). You mix those to get secondary and tertiary colors. ;)

Anyone who has done any cake decorating will tell you that the paste colors, such as Wilton, will give you a much more intense color.
Maybe she thought you meant you can mix to get the primary colors?

As for dying, I also have better luck with the Wilton colors. If I can't find them at a reasonable price I use regular food coloring. I've tried the koolaid and haven't had good luck. The last I used was grape and it turned everything a gray color.
i wasnt looking really to "color" them though, i was looking more for "flavoring".
are there other options for flavoring??
cool thanks guys...with the wilton ... whats the water /mix ratio??? Do I use is straight? also, if I use the food coloring, what is the ratio for water/ drops?
cool thanks guys...with the wilton ... whats the water /mix ratio??? Do I use is straight? also, if I use the food coloring, what is the ratio for water/ drops?
The answer is in a reply above:

Here's how I do it... Use this Dye... IT's made by Wilton you can get it at any store that sells cake stuff...


Put 16 oz of warm water to a hole bottle of coloring and mix well.. I put mine a a bottle that you can close tightly and shake. Then I put the dye in a tupper ware container and dip my woods or what ever I am dying in the dye for about 10 seconds then I lay the wood on a cookie cooling rack wait an hour and dip again for another 10 seconds or so.. Then let dry for 1 to 2 days to ensure it drys completely... and your done... Hope this helps... I know other people will have other suggestion for you too...
There have been many studies on color dyes. Like yellow and red dyes. They have show to be harmful to humans. I did a search on Wilton icing dye and its main ingredient is sugar/corn syrup. Corn syrup is in almost all foods on the market. A lot of sodas are using it to. It is used because cheaper than sugar. If you search on internet about the harms of corn syrup and now many food manufactures are advertising with words on their packages no corn syrup. I have seen it lately on certain breads for sale. They know that humans are finding out more and more of harm consuming corn syrup. Did you ever see anyone at home making homemade bread use corn syrup? I never have and I believe corn syrup has been one of the main reasons for the rise in diabetics in humans. Many doctors that have turned to natural ways of life have stated the harm of corn syrup.

I use natural color dye that is found in health stores, which is a lot better and safer for animals and also humans.
There have been many studies on color dyes. Like yellow and red dyes. They have show to be harmful to humans. I did a search on Wilton icing dye and its main ingredient is sugar/corn syrup. Corn syrup is in almost all foods on the market. A lot of sodas are using it to. It is used because cheaper than sugar. If you search on internet about the harms of corn syrup and now many food manufactures are advertising with words on their packages no corn syrup. I have seen it lately on certain breads for sale. They know that humans are finding out more and more of harm consuming corn syrup. Did you ever see anyone at home making homemade bread use corn syrup? I never have and I believe corn syrup has been one of the main reasons for the rise in diabetics in humans. Many doctors that have turned to natural ways of life have stated the harm of corn syrup.

I use natural color dye that is found in health stores, which is a lot better and safer for animals and also humans.
Of course, this will be an individual choice by each person, but I would think that since the dye will be used for things the chins will chew rather than eat, and because very little dye compared to the whole batch of dye is actually absorbed by each piece that there wouldn't be very much corn syrup in any one piece...JMO :)