I'd try some Bag Balm first. If that doesn't help, get some Silver Sulfadiazine Cream from your vet. Their feet shouldn't be too soft either, so just be careful not to overdo it. You should ease off on the dust baths as well. I only offer dust twice a week in the winter at most, but Buddha still had issues at the beginning of January. His feet went from dry to red in a matter of days. It took me 10 days and a few extra pairs of hands to get him back to normal, but he's fine now. It's good that you noticed! )
I think this happens more often when you have 'forced air heat'. Those of us who have water baseboard heat don't often have this problem. I haven't had it yet, thankfully
Yea we have forced air and all hardwood flooring so it tends to be super dry in my home. The balm really helped though ,the cracks in her feet healed almost over night and the dryness is almost all gone too .