Dogs & steak bones

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
We made a T-bone for dinner tonight (it was delish!). I ran downstairs to put a load of laundry in and came up & the bone was gone. I know my dog grabbed it!
But I can't find it??? Could she have eaten the whole thing???
I am so nervous that something is going to happen to her.
She is always eating paper towels & wipes and stuff and then throwing them up or pooping them out whole.
I searched everywhere, so either she hid it which i doubt or she ate it???
I give my Border Collies T-Bones all the time and they have never had any problems eating them and they eat the whole thing too.
Pooing wipes whole! That is lucky. Those things could make some blockages. I think the t-bone is okay. Just keep an eye on her just in case. Beef bones don't splinter as badly as chicken bones, but it is like a chin eating chunks of is usually no problem, but it is always a possible blockage threat. I' d be more worried about the wipes!
But not every type of bone is good for dogs. In fact, most household bones such as those found in turkey, chicken, pork chops and steak can be very dangerous for dogs to eat. This is because they break and splinter easily. Swallowing large or sharp pieces of bones can lead to an intestinal blockage or puncture and could cause internal infection, bleeding, the need for surgery and in some cases, death.


1) Avoid bones which splinter such as cooked poultry, rib, pork chop and steak bones. Although the stomach has acids strong enough to dissolve most of these bones, they can easily splinter and be passed into the intestine undigested. Some of these splinters may eventually perforate the intestine causing death of the animal.

What if you dog eats one of these bones? Feed canned food for a day or two and a couple of pieces of bread to help the bone pass. Watch the stool each time the dog has a bowel movement for a day or two. Make sure they have a bowel movement, and watch for bright red blood on the stool or black tarry stool (an indication there is small intestinal bleeding.) If you see blood, take your dog to your local veterinarian.

From dog_bones_to_feed.htm

She probably ate it, so now you need to keep an eye. I have always been told to never give that type of bone to a dog by vets and dog trainers alike.
thanks. i dont really give her any bones, not even rawhide, except once in a great while those ones that look like a pencil. she just grabbed it right off the plate before i scraped the meat off to give to her. i am taking the flashlight outside to inspect the poop. will try the bread thing too.
I give my dogs bones now and then. T and rib. I give them it with a bit of meat still on it. Let then chew and suck all the flavor out of them, then throw them away.

Cooked bones tend to splinter. Raw bones are easier to digest. Nature's Variety has a great line of raw dog and cat food, including bones. They got quite a large chunk of meat on them and my dogs love them and they are far safer than cooked bones. But all the same, I wouldn't leave my dog home alone with one. If they choke, you are there to save them.

Here is what they look like

Nature's Variety is usually only sold by small business pet stores. I've yet to see it carried at Petsmart. Raw diets are great for dogs and cats though and this company is the best by far. My dogs and cats are on it and they do great with it.
I've had pretty good luck by going to the butcher at the local supermarket, and asking for the beef calf bones! Half the time it's a "no charge" if you tell them it's for a dog!
Usually takes about 2 weeks to get it from 18 in. to 4, and keeps them busy!
We give our dogs t-bones all the time. Well not me because I don't eat meat, but the parents do. Even to out 14 year old dachshund. Both of my dogs eat them whole and haven't had any problems, but someone is always outside watching them until they finish.
I only give my dogs large raw marrow bones but once my old Border Collie got into some chicken bones. I had a foster teenager back then and she didn't know to put the bones out of reach. Anyway, the dog ate some chicken bones, which are probably the worst bones for dogs. I called the vet all in a panic and he said more than likely they will pass through without incident. But to watch the dogs for diarrhea, vomiting, not eating, lethargy, signs of abdominal pain, etc. Sure enough, the dog was fine. I would keep an eye on the dog but don't panic.
I only give my dogs raw bones. Cooked bones are dangerous... not only can a dog choke on one if it gets lodged in his throat but it could also perforate an intestine.
i have been checking her stool for the last 2 days and it fine, so hopefully she is fine.
i did give her a piece of bread the first night and again this morning just in case.
i have never given her any bones so that is why i was so nervous!