Our 11-year old doxie has some lipomas (benign fatty tumors). One in particular is quite large and it is located right on top of her rib cage on her side. The vet said that it wasn't hurting her, but we could have it removed if we wish. I don't believe it is hurting her, but I do worry about it making her uncomfortable when she breaths or when she is lying on her side. We've been pondering over this for awhile now and we're still not sure what the best approach is. I mean, she IS 11 years old and I'm not sure if it is worth the risks involved in having the lipoma removed. I have heard of diet and supplement remedies, but I am somewhat doubtful about their effectiveness. I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with doggie lipomas and what they did about them. Surgery? Leave it alone? Home remedies? Please share!