dog vs son, dog won!

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Jan 30, 2009
Washington State
I have a doberman who runs around like a greyhound. It's fun to watch him do this outdoors, but dangerous when he gets excited in the house. The night before last, my 10 year old son got him charged up indoors and then made the mistake of getting in his way. My dog ran into him, full throttle, which threw my son up in the air and down on his stomach. It was actually a AFV moment, until I saw the look on my son's face. He turned over and was holding his arm and fighting back the tears. We went to the doctor yesterday and he did indeed break his wrist. 2nd break on the same arm! First break was in kindergarten when he fell off the monkey bars. What makes it worse is that he plays soccer and is the star goalie. What wrotten timing. So he is out for 2 weeks at the least and we'll check again, but he may be able to play after that time, but not goalie. He wears his soft cast for 4-6 weeks. At least it is not another hard cast. My poor son was not in the best of moods yesterday so he needs some good thoughts sent his way!
Good thoughts being sent :)). I hope it heals quickly!
Oye, all of us here feel his pain. Having two very large, and very um.....thought challenged dogs, we have all experienced the thrill of the fall when slammed into from behind the knees with said dogs running full out. Thankfully, no broken bones! <yet>

Keeping good thoughts for your son!
Gavin (my APBT) is horrible for getting a case of the zoomies. When he does, you need to watch out as well! Couldn't tell you how many times that huge head sent me flying to the floor when he went flying , couldnt stop and went right into my knees...

Glad your son is ok, and "only" suffered a broken wrist! Hopefully he can get back to his sports soon.
Ouch, I hope he heals quickly and does not itch too much!!
Ouch, I hope he heals quickly and does not itch too much!!

His cast has been on for only a day and he is already complaining about the itching - poor guy. I've never had a broken bone (knock on wood) but I'm sure a cast would drive me totally bonkers! At least we had a choice about a soft vs a hard cast. We can take the soft cast off if needed although not advised. I just feel so bad that he has to miss out on soccer! Darn dog!!!
Ooooooh...the itching would drive me BONKERS!!! I would probably have to rig up a wire hanger or something to scratch with....even though I know that the doc would not agree with that. Hopefully they gave him something for pain, and maybe that will help to ease the itching too.

BEST OF LUCK FOR A SPEEDY RECOVERY!!! (And, good to hear that he did not hit his head when he fell.)
Poor little guy :( I hope he heals soon. My doberman is the same...a bull in a china shop!
Understand the traumas of owing a big dog, not always easy.

Hope he heals quickly. :)