Does it sound like something is wrong with my chin?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Tonight I opened my chins cage door which normally wakes them up. My three month old, Terrance didn't move from his spot until I picked him up to show my mom. He began hoping around but not as fast as he usually does. He was eating earlier this morning and I thought I caught him at the food dish tonight. His poops are normal as far as I can tell. It's about 2 am now and he isn't being as hyped as he normally is at night. If I pick him up he hops around a little but when done he just goes back to a spot in the cage and closes his eyes. His penis also seems to be distended. I had to check him against my other male first.

I have never seen a china, uhhh...junk before. If he isn't hoping around or his penis has not retracted by the time I wake up in four hours I'm calling my vet. I'm hoping I'm not just being anal.
Get some plain water based KY jelly and lube his penis
He is very young to have a hair ring but it's possible. Or maybe he nicked his penis with his teeth and could be infected. What is the temp? Get it below 72 d grees at least.
I had one who got his first hair ring at 7 weeks old, I would do a check. Also,the penis not retracting is a pain response, that and the lethargy needs to be watched really close and a vet visit may be in order if things don't change soon.
I have a vet appointment this evening after work. He was lubed this morning. I'm not really sure how to check for hair rings. I have to look it up. I have read how to do it but it confuses me. I'm worried about him. I hope the vet can find out what is wrong with him. His penis has been out for more than 12 hours. The temp in my house is 70 degrees.
My vet took a look at it but it had retracted on it's own during the day. She thinks he has not been acting right because of inflammation around his penis. She is putting him on pain meds to make him feel better. She didn't see a hair ring. Thank you for the video, it helped alot! She said 9/10 times it is a hair ring that stops the penis from rectracting.