does anyone have experience with these two cages?

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slave to Rhino and Guss
Jan 29, 2011
Edmonton, Alberta
i'm picking up a 'large cat cage' tomorrow for Rhino ($50, can't go wrong with that! lol), and although i don't know the exact model, i do know it will most likely be either of these two:

Precision Pet Kitty Condo

Midwest Cat Playpen

anyone with experience with either of these two cages, i'd love to hear your comments! i will of course, be covering the plastic pan with a pillowcase style fleece liner, and shelves will be wood only.
the midwest has bar spacing of 1 inch x 5.5 inch, so along the same lines as a FN.

i have yet to find the bar spacing info on the Precision cage, but it does look to be 1 inch.

no worries on kits being housed in the new cage. i have no intention on breeding, and only wish to have adult males in my home.
i like that one Siany! i was hoping this cage i'm getting today would be just like that one, but i'm pretty sure it's either of the two i linked in my opening post - the seller remembers where she got the cage from but doesn't recall the brand name, so i called the place she got it from and asked what cat cages they've carried over the years and it's only been those two.
i got it!! it's the Precision one. i'm junking the plastic tray - it has a crack in it and even if it was in perfect shape i'd not use it anyway, the tray has some ridges on it that are inside the cage that Rhino would have a field day on. the wire cage part is in perfect condition though, so yay! and it's really sturdy, even without the base attached to it.

going to build a wood base and tile it. going to get some clips to ensure the doors are extra secure when closed (even though they are already pretty good).

will post photos once it's all set up. may take a little while, what with the base building, and getting more shelves, hammocks, tubes for it.