Do you meet people when selling a chinchilla?

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Do you meet people when selling chins?

  • Yes, if they pay me per mileage.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only if...

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NWI Chinchillas
Feb 1, 2009
Hammond, IN
I was wondering other people's points of view on this--

I often have people find my website and rescues looking for new homes... but they never seem to be right in the area. A lot of people are around 2 hours away, and ask me to meet them halfway. Now, with the price of gas being $4 a gallon here and the fact that I drive an SUV... it would significantly cut the cost of the chin for me to drive an hour to meet someone. All of a sudden a $100 chin becomes a $40 chin when I spend $60 on gas. I suppose I could borrow a car, but that's another hassle.

... but obviously that isn't the only problem. I have, several times, picked up rescues in parking lots when people did not want to drive to me or have me drive to their house... and I REALLY disliked that, because if the chin gets loose OUTSIDE you are almost never getting it back. I've never had a chin get loose, but besides that, I hardly think that is the most conducive environment to meeting the new home for the chinchilla.

I also would rather people come to our place, see how our setup is, see the chins are cared for well, be able to sit and talk for awhile if needed...

Not to mention, when meeting someone halfway... like for example, I may drive between Indy and Chicago several times a year, but I don't know any of the towns I pass through, so picking a place to "meet" would basically be closing my eyes and pointing my finger at a spot on the map. The once I was getting some chins and I met someone at the town hall.. because that was the only place in the town that we could find an address to.

... but then I seem to remember some people telling me they've met people before, but they've had people pay for gas, or pay a certain amount per mile... but then I think, "well if the people wanted to pay for your gas, then surely wouldn't they just make the drive themself?"

Anyway, I made a poll. Please select what you would do... If you would have people pay for gas, please post how much you charge (and does it depend on per mile? per gallon? what?) or if there are other situations where you will deliver "if....", please let me know what they are. This has been coming up an awful lot lately so I think it's time I figured out what my actual "stated" policy is (so I can put it up on my website).
I have no problem meeting people, provided its on my route of travel, or I have a good excuse to go that way (shopping, etc). If its along my route of travel, or I am using it as an excuse to spend the day shopping I don't ask for gas fees.

If customers want me to actually meet them to shorten their distance, and I have no plans to travel...then i'll ask for something in gas.
since i dont sell or purchase, i didnt vote but i wanted to comment to say that for every chin i have "rescued" i have driven or asked the person to meet me half way. those that that truly were looking for a better home have never complained.
i did "adopt" a chin from Megan and since she was so kind to waive the adoption fee due to the circumstances I did give her money to cover gas. i felt like it was the right thing to do. she didnt ask, which showed me she truly cared about her chinchilla and really just wanted the best for him.
i also paid a small fee for a chin and still met that member halfway. but the person who adopted him from me did drive to my home.
i have met a few people in parking lots but i always make sure they have a carrier and i keep that carrier so there is no possible way of escape.
I don't have my Chin yet...but Becky will be meeting me on the way to the show in Ohio in May. She is about 3 1/2 hrs from me. That said I would have no problem driving that far to pick up my chin.

I drove over 2 hrs to meet my rescue dog before I knew I was adopting him...just a meet and greet.