i will be adopting a chinchilla that needs a new home sometime in 2 weeks!
I'm so excited :dance3: :dance3:
the down side is he doesn't come with a cage so im looking into making on.
im very skilled in making cages i have made on for almost every animal i ever had
from guinea pigs to dogs.
i have a few questions
1. are these dimensions good 3x2x2 measurements are in feet
2.what could i make the bottom of the cage out of
i wanna stay away from wood because they pee would destroy it plus i want to be able to use shavings.
3. i know c&c cages(picture 1 is the grids) are not safe because the grid holes (i will not be using chloroplast at all) are to big but would they be okay if i used them just for the structural make up of the cage (covering them in 1/2 inch hardware cloth).
4.what kind of hardware cloth is safe and what is unsafe?
5.what is a good way to hold the wire mesh to the grids? i was thinking zip-ties if anyone knows a better way please let me know