Disinfecting wood?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I want to disinfect my chin cages due to Phillip's death. Is there anyway to disinfect the wood without throwing it away?

I can't really afford to buy all new shelves after paying Phillip's vet bills :/
Thanks so much for the info :) I actually bought a sander not long ago ^^.
Hey dear, while I WAS following poor Phillips thread...I never did catch what his official cause of death was?

There are two reasons I'll toss wood...pneumonia/URI and giardia. They're not worth it and I just do NOT feel there's any way to sanitize wood satisfactorily after those.

If it wasn't one of those, the above mentioned are great ways. If it WAS one of those or you're at all unsure...toss it...the chins can go w/o for a bit until you can buy more...it's not worth their life!
I'm still waiting on xray results, I think it was pneumonia though :/ I think I may have some extra 24 inch shelves my dad made for our rescue chin several months ago that were never used.

Should all chew toys/ huts be replaced as well? Terrance has at least $100 worth of hanging toys in his cage, and the cost of his hut. I'm just really not able to afford replacements right now :(

Should my girl's cage across the room be okay from having to be disinfected? Phillip didn't have any physical contact with their cage.
If it's pneumonia and he had no physical contact the girls' cage should be fine. There aren't a ton of things to be honest, that are airborn. Most chin illnesses are spread by direct contact.

As far as Phillips stuff goes, most forms of pneumonia don't transmit easily and it'd probably be safe to disinfect everything as described above...any illness in my herd freaks me out and I throw everything but the cage out :( and the liners...can't forget those but I wash them with bleach or vinegar.
It would probably be safest to throw it away. We are going to try to introduce my mom's kit in a couple of weeks.