It's been one year since we adopted our dog from a rescue. We love him a lot and he is a loving, loyal member of the family. The past few weeks, I've been going nuts trying to cover up any hole or possible point of escape from the yard. Yesterday, I bought 100 feet of chicken wire to secure the bottom part of the fence on the side of the yard. I put about 6 inches of it facing toward the yard and covered it with pine straw so he couldn't wiggle out under it. I put a metal grate under a double gate on one side of the yard and pegged it into the ground so he couldn't dig out. I put down garden stakes on part of a fence I share with a neighbor so he couldn't slip under it. He is becoming a little Houdini and getting out from spaces I didn't think he could squeeze through. I have another fence around a patio that I've had to barricade if I need him to stay in when the gates are open. He is an inside dog, but can't stand it when other dogs are anywhere near and has to get out to mark his territory I guess. He is neutered, but wasn't neutered until 2 years old when we got him. This is getting tiring and he obviously can't be wandering around because someone will steal him or he could get hit by a car. I'm going to go through hundreds of feet of chicken wire at this rate. He's a mini schnauzer if that makes any difference. Anyone else have a digging dog they have successfully contained?