Difference between pine and aspen?

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
One of my chins has recently had an eye irriation, some recommendations was to switch to aspen bedding and im wondering the difference. They have always been on pine shaving since babies, wondering if I should switch...thank you?
I'm allergic to wood oils like in ceder and to a lesser amount in pine, Aspen hardly bothers me, so maybe the difference is in the aromatic oils they give off?

Personally I like the natural colored paper bedding best, and using it only in the pee corner, but some chins will eat it. =x
If the pine works for you, keep on using it. The aspen won't do anything in a different, better way for you! People that are allergic or sensitive to the pine do better with aspen, but if you don't have that problem...or the chins aren't allergic to it...there's no need to switch because it's going to do the same job for you.

Here I just use pine shavings, no one seems to have any issues with them so there's no need to use something different. I've had to use other types of bedding in the past for certain chins, but those have been few and far between....but it does happen that a chin will have a horrible reaction to pine every now and then. I have wire bottom floors in the cages now so I rarely have any chins with any problems (with the pine...)
Thanks Susan, I have noticed for the first time though that one sneezes time to time..dont know if its the weather or what. Never noticed him really sneezing.