Diagnose my sick/hurt chin?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2011
I took my two chins out for playtime last night, and they were fine.

Tonight I took them out and one just sat in the corner the entire time. He didn't popcorn at all. So, I put him in his dust bath to see what would happen. He always loves his dust bath. He didn't roll or anything. He moved his head a little like he was going to try to roll, but he didn't. Maybe he was in too much pain.

Then, he started kaking at me. He jumped onto my knee and repeatedly kacked several times. My guess is that he was afraid because he is sick/hurt, so I put him back in his cage.

I also noticed he favored his left front paw. I think he might have sprained or broken it.

He seems to be eating. I offered him a cheerio and he took it. His poop is normal, as far as I know.

He doesn't have any hair rings, although he has a dark spot on his penis that I hadn't noticed before. Maybe it's a mole?

What should I do? Does anyone know what could be wrong?
It is illegal to diagnose over the internet, even if you're a vet. We can make intelligent guesses, but that's about it.

If you think his paw is injured, take him to a vet. The fact that he's limping and won't roll in his dust says something is wrong and you need to find out what is going on.
It's so hard to say what could be wrong...and anything anyone tells you is going to just be a rough guess.

Is he still eating his pellets or is it just treats? How old is this chinchilla?

Changes in behavior often indicate that there is a problem. It could be any problem from, like you said, a hurt leg to maybe even a bladderstone or a head injury...anything! I'd keep an eye on him and get him into the vet as soon as you can get an appointment. If he starts looking like he's getting worse or having more symptoms, you may want to find an emergency vet. It is possible that he won't need any veterinary care, but don't take that chance - call in the morning and see if you can get him in to see someone for a examination.
When in doubt, take the chin to the vet. Chins hide illness/injury well and when the symptoms are noticed the issue is often advanced.