Degloved tail

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Sep 1, 2012
Does anybody have any advice on how to catch an injured chinchilla. Pita got out and darted under foot and his tail was stepped on. His tail tip was degloved! I have to get him to the vet, but don't want to hurt him worse and he's hiding in the far corner, under the captain's bed. I have to get him into his carrier, but he's not coming when I call...he must be in such pain... please help1
He's probably in less pain than you think. My daughter was trying to catch a loose chin and accidentally grabbed the tip of the tail rather than the base, removing probably a half inch of the tail. It never even slowed her down. l don't think she even bled.

Don't panic. The more you panic, the more he panics. Let him come out when he's not so scared. Go ahead and offer him a dust bath. I've used dust baths many times to help with minor abrasions. Make sure it's clean and in a clean container. That should help draw him out. He may not even need to see a vet, depending on how bad it is. You can get a better idea once you have him out. It can't be wrapped. The only thing a vet might do is give antibiotics and an amputation if a part of the tail is hanging. Once you get him out, clean it up with some warm water (NOT peroxide) and see how it looks.
Wanted to apologize and say thank you

I'm so sorry it took so long to reply to your excellent advice. It seems that when I stepped on Pita's tail I tried to reverse time and lifted my leg in such a way that I tore the ligaments in my knee. Strangely enough, I didn't even feel it at the time because I was so concerned with taking care of him that I neglected my own pain. Due to the decreased mobility I could not get back on the computer to express how helpful you were.

The dust worked and I'm sure you were correct in stating that because I was panicking, so was Pita. I forced myself to calm down and left the dust-bath next to the bed. I was so relieved when I heard him scratching in it. It calmed both of us down.

The injury was not as bad as I feared. The hair on his tail tip is - was - so long I was afraid I had skinned half of his tail, but in reality it was less than half an inch. ( Not as bad, but still ouch!) The vet gave me antibiotics and believe it or not, we don't think he'll lose his tail tip. It seems to be healing well and he's more mobile than I am at this moment.

Again thank you. We're currently working on a better placement for his cage and changing the way we clean it to prevent further accidents.
Ouch - I'm sorry to hear about your knee. I have knee issues as well and they are no picnic.

I am glad to hear that Pita is doing well. :)