Dear John

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Jan 28, 2009
Mount Carmel, PA
Ok, so I saw the original preview for this movie when Keith and I went to see New Moon (yeah yeah). I got the book on a spur of the moment when it came into work, and I loved the book. It's by Nicholas Sparks and his books seem to be made into awesome movies, even if they don't fully follow the plot. I really hope this one does, as it was a book I finished super quick and LOVED. And the movie is coming out Feb 5th!

So, who wants to have a chick night and go see this with me? (Yes, see, I DO have girly moments!)
I saw previews for this and I think it looks good. I love Channing too, so I dont mind watching him at all!
I read this book last year and really enjoyed it. I also saw the preview during new moon and was happy they are making a movie of it and loved Channing as the main character.

When is it supposed to come out?? Not sure if I would go to the movie to see this one though...........probably will be a redbox rental.
oh my goodness i bawled my eyes out when I read the book! Of course i'm going to go see the movie now! Channing is super easy on the eyes! XD
I have serious issues with the Dear John letter--ask Ash she'll tell you I once punched a girl in the stomach for "dear Johning" my best friend Randy, when he was in boot camp. I told her if she ever showed her face to me again I would kill her and honestly back then I might have.

I'll have to take everyone's word for it this is a good movie. Anyone who "Dear John's" a soldier to me . . . seems like a giant waste of a life.
so did anyone see this in the movies?? and if you saw it, did you read the book and how did it compare. i loved the book and channing is yum so just wondering if i need to go to the movies or just wait til it comes out for rental?
I saw it Monday with Keith. While it's not comparable to The Notebook, it's a good movie. My friend felt that Amanda and Channing didn't mesh well enough and were too awkward, but that's how I pictured them in the book, anyway, so it didn't seem off to me. There's changes, as usual, to the story, but nothing that screws it up too badly, imo. There's one point Keith claims there was a wardrobe malfunction with Channing's army uniform, but I missed it... All in all, I liked it.
I have serious issues with the Dear John letter--ask Ash she'll tell you I once punched a girl in the stomach for "dear Johning" my best friend Randy, when he was in boot camp. I told her if she ever showed her face to me again I would kill her and honestly back then I might have.

I'll have to take everyone's word for it this is a good movie. Anyone who "Dear John's" a soldier to me . . . seems like a giant waste of a life.

i totally agree here laurie!

i have no interest to see it. when my friends first asked me "hey do you wanna see that move dear john?" all i could ask was "umm why???". my initial thought of a dear john letter being portrayed as a chick flick just upset me. my friends have all told me its a great movie and that they recommend it.

for the first time i actually side with Christian reviews of this movie. they pointed out that tears shed for channing tatmus character is understandable. hes amazing for being able to forgive such a thing. but after just upsets me. why should we feel sorry or even sad for savannah? that quote "is duty reason enough to live a lie?" really hits a nerve. my boyfriend (rob) just recently joined the army. and yea, at times i get upset when i think of possible deployments. this chick fell in love already knowing this situation so why the f do we feel sad for her, believing she was "forced" to do this? ahhh i'm just ranting now.

imo, when we start oogling over story lines where our soldiers are betrayed during duty, when they should be being supported, then i think we have a problem. no nicholas sparks...not cool.
I've read the book(last night actually, couldn't put it down and finished in hours) as I wanted to see the movie, and books are always better.

I liked the book. It was sad, and yes I did cry. More then anything I ended up hating Savannah and thought she was a selfish B*tch. Sadly, it happens all to often. Our men and woman risk their lives for us, and behind their back the people they love, the reason they are staying alive are betraying them..and then they get the letter. Anyone who does it, I think should be shot.


It also ticked me off that Tim lived. Yes, I was hoping he wouldn't live and they'd have their "ever after" but noooo John had to be the hero and donate money to the cause!