Daylight savings time

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
So Calif
Just a reminder that late tonight early tomorrow morning is daylight savings time. Set your clocks one hour ahead. It seems that it is earlier this year.
Yeah... funny how there's less "standard" time and more "savings" time. Maybe they ought to rename the current "daylight savings" to "standard" and the current "standard" to "winter."
Daylight saving time does not make a lot of sense for people who work 8-5, but in fields like agriculture where it is 7 or 8 a.m. to sunset, the time change gives more time on the tail end of the day- so instead of working 8-6 like now, it would be 8 to 7 (eventually even later).
The dates for Daylight saving time were changed a few years ago by President Bush to conserve energy by moving it back so there were more long days (so less light bulb usage).
I feel like I lost an hour (more really for getting up checking my alarm to make sure the time changed) because I had to open at work this morning.
I had a test in chemistry in undergrad where one of the extra credit questions was about springing forward. The answer was "Day SAVING time." I missed it because I put "Daylight Savings time" which is apparently incorrect.