Cure for Insomnia...?

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Jul 5, 2009
Sorry if all this seems incoherent, I'm running on very little sleep. The last few nights have been horrible. My mind won't shut off. :banghead: So I've read, I've put heated rice packs by my feet, I've paced, I've drawn, I've written poetry (which should remain hidden to the world), I've tried hot milk (just upset my stomach and gave me heartburn), I've stared at the ceiling, I've tried meds, both herbal and others (they just make me so groggy I can't function the next day) and I've killed the few remaining fruit flies in my bathroom via foaming glass cleaner and smashing. (I still don't know how they got there. :wacko:)

I've even gone and carried on delusional conversations with Tribble. She just sits there and stares at me for awhile... then goes back to whatever she was doing before and I still talk to her. I exercise most days, I eat [fairly] well, with an occasional splurge. And I try to let myself unwind by 10 PM. But.I.still.can't.sleep! Me being up is keeping my family up as well, and it's not fair to them. :( Just please, don't recommend taking alcohol or anything. I'm underage and I found out in Mexico via waiters who wouldn't listen (I said VIRGIN pina coladas, dangit!) that I'm a cheap and very very very angry drunk. I'm not going to put my family through that. Somebody... anybody... HELP! :cry3:
I feel sorry for you. I listen to a CD of rain when I go to sleep. I do it almost every time I lay down to sleep. It's almost like condition. Now, when I turn that CD on, it is my signal to sleep. But, on the other hand, I never have any problem sleeping unless I'm in the middle of a personal crisis. Then my mind goes crazy thinking through all the different options of how to get out of whatever current personal mess I'm in. I suggest no naps during the day. At night, lay in bed, close your eyes and 'meditate'. Envision yourself at the beach (or wherever you like) and 'see' all the details. 'See' the beach in your mind. Concentrate on the soothing waves rolling in, see the hermit crab picking around for food. See the palm tree leaves sway in the warm breeze, etc. Relax and loosen the muscles in each part of your body, head to toe. It almost seems like you are trying too hard to fall asleep and working yourself up with worry about not being able to fall asleep. I wish you the best of luck. Oh, and by the way, I am up in the middle of the night not because I can't sleep but because I work the midnight shift and am usually up in the middle of the night. LOL
There is actually a movie called "The Cure for Insomnia." I first heard about it in a trivia game my sorority had for the school. It is the longest movie running 87 hours. Apparently they say if you can watch the whole thing straight through with out falling asleep you are truly an insomniac. When I saw the title of your thread I immediately thought of the movie.

If its that bad that you cant sleep try checking out the movie.

I went through the same thing around the same age as you. I would go several days without sleeping. I went through this stage several times already. Once at 14 again at 16 and again at 19. Every once in a while now Ill sleep for about 10 minutes and be up for 2-3 days. It makes for a very boring time. Try laying down watching some shows if you didnt want too try that one movie or get a really boring book.

Good Luck!
Does this happen frequently? You might want to talk to your dr and see if he can prescribe anything, or even taking benadryl for a few days might help until your body gets back on track, Running on no sleep is not good for you.

Sorry i just read the part where you have tried meds!!
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I will sometimes use noise to sleep. I like to fall asleep to the TV because it keeps my brain occupied. Usually I fall asleep to something I have seen recently and a lot. Things like Family Guy and anything on the Disney Channel help me sleep.
Pffffft - a PB+J sandwich, toasted, and a glass of chocolate milk puts me out like a light, if I'm having problems sleeping!! And my problems would be insurmountable, for some!
i guess you tried melatonin? it is over the counter.

i have a very difficult time falling asleep, my brain is constantly in motion! i do set my tv to a sleep timer as i also do not like to take my sleeping pills, especially during the week.
but i also use a "sounds" machine. i can choose ocean, rainforest, thunder, etc....
i also have one for my 8 year old son because he has the same problem and it works great. you kinda just get lost in the noise. of course i do have lots of dreams of being on the beach!!
I have been an insomniac for years now. Nothing really seems to help. I've tried so many different aids, and ones that can help me sleep leave me very groggy the entire next day, so I prefer not to take anything. I'm sure you know this, but limit your caffeine intake to only the morning hours. Exercise in the morning, and not before bed. Eat an early dinner and an hour before bed, make sure you let your body wind down in preparation for sleep. Read a book, take a bath, make lists for the next day, listen to relaxing music...anything that will help you relax. Lists help me a lot since my mind is active as well when I am trying to relax. Make sure you go to bed at the same time every night. No tv on. Keeping the same sleeping pattern nightly can help get your body into a good sleeping routine. Good luck. Like I said, this has gone on for me for years now and I get so tired of being tired. But don't give up, be good to your body and your mind and you'll eventually get over this slump!
I'm not an insomniac by any means, but being in Vet school sure takes a toll on my sleep. I pull frequent all nighters just to study for a test, and even when I'm done studying, my head just races and I can't sleep.

Other nights, like if I'm excited for something to happen later on in the week, my mind wanders and I can't get to sleep. I just had to find a new routine to put myself into.

I take a bath, not a shower, but a bath about an hour before I go to sleep, and I just relax. Then after the bath, I make sure my hair is totally dry (cold, wet hair keeps me awake) and then I drink some night time tea. It's called sweet dreams and it is supposed to relax you. It has chamomile and mint in it. It's pretty good. I also read a book while drinking my tea. I don't watch TV at least an hour and a half before bed. And recently I bought some ear plugs for those nights when the chins are extra spunky.

So far it has worked for me. But try some of the night time teas. There are a ton of them out there. Give them a go.
Thank you for the advice everyone, it means alot to me. I'll try them all over the next few nights.
So what are the issues that are keeping you from sleeping? Can you resolve any of them?

I've never met a true insomniac, but going through college with five vet students as friends I learned all about the strange things you do when you're tired, and even more scary - just had the rabies vac. heh. I'll never regret going the business route and have complete respect for anyone who makes it through vet school.

I never have any problem sleeping unless I'm in the middle of a personal crisis. Then my mind goes crazy thinking through all the different options of how to get out of whatever current personal mess I'm in.

I've got this problem too. The key is exactly what you mentioned - classical conditioning to sleep on cue. I use a thunderstorm soundtrack. :D Sometimes (for the reasons above) when you can't relax enough to shut off and you can't fix the problem you can wear yourself out.

I'll walk and think about whatever until I can't walk nor think any more. At some point, usually around 2-3 hours of walking my mind shuts down enough to allow me to cue myself to sleep. Don't be fooled by the initial "tiredness" - if you push through that you can go for another hour or two. That's what really drains the energy.

You may want to get into a yoga class and learn how to shut yourself down. It helps immensely on trips and for tests/interviews and such where you really need a good sleep the night before.

Good luck!