Thought I'd post a few pictures from the other day. They were taken with my phone, so may not be the best quality.
This is the best I can do with lady- She ADORED the snow. She was out running around the pasture, it was such a pretty sight- she really loved it. So either the picture had a blur of a horse, or she was up in my face LOL.
Miss Bella had a blast--this was her first "real" snowfall. She thought it was great.
She then came running over to me--head covered in snow
This is the best I can do with lady- She ADORED the snow. She was out running around the pasture, it was such a pretty sight- she really loved it. So either the picture had a blur of a horse, or she was up in my face LOL.
Miss Bella had a blast--this was her first "real" snowfall. She thought it was great.
She then came running over to me--head covered in snow