critter nation or ferret nation????

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2014
First of all, I need some help. I can't decide which one is better.. Ferret nation or critter nation?? I heard good about them both, but I want to pick the perfect one. It will be for my single chinchilla. Any suggestions? Also anyone know where I can get a cheap one since its Black Friday? Btw I live in Canada.
I own 6 chinchillas (all rescues) as of now and I have 4 critter nation sections and 6 ferret nation sections. I took my cages off of the bases and made my own from 2X4's made from pine so they can't get underneath because their playroom is the same room as their cages.
One difference for me is since I rescue abused or unwanted chins and I have 2 males that are EXTREMELY aggressive towards the others. I use critter nation sections for the aggressive ones so they can't bite the chinchillas who are curious of the two males (oddly enough though they LOVE each other).
Also critter nation would be better for if you have babies, as they can squeeze out of the ferret nations. I know this because i took in a chinchilla that was pregnant and a baby got out, luckily I have a room that they can't get out of.
Lastly critter nations are more expensive.
Another thing is I have younger Degus and they are small enough to get through the bars of a ferret nation so I use a critter nation. You could also use it for hamsters, gerbils, rats ect.
As for where to get them, I'm not sure. I have gotten all of mine from craigslist and spent under $500 for all of them, if I paid retail it would have been WAY over $1000.
They are both amazing cages and are easy for cleaning. Because you only have one chin i would probably go with ferret nation as they are cheaper but it's really your preference. Also i would get a double, it's not necessary but they will have TONS of umping room then. you can also build your own perches as i do and take out all shelves and ramps. Also be careful of the ramps that come with as the chinchillas foot can get caught and get hurt. I put fleece sleeves on any ramps i use. I also have trained most of my chins to use a litter box so daily sweeping of the cage is a lot easier.
Hi there! I live in Canada too :)

Both are good, sturdy cages. Both are the same dimensions.

The main difference is the bars.

CN Bars: the bars are more horizontal and have less space in between them, which is good for smaller rodents or baby chins. The bars are a little more flimsy in comparison to the FN and you may have to bend them to fit the nozzle of your chin's water bottle.

FN Bars: the bars are more vertical and are spaced wider apart, which is perfectly fine for chinchillas, but maybe not a good idea if your breeding for baby chins (babies might fit through).

I have the Ferret Nation. :) I did compare prices for it.

Petsmart: Canada doesn't carry them, only the US stores.
Pet Culture (Pets Unlimited): $349.99
Pet Valu: 299.99

If you buy online, if seen them for less on Amazon and a couple other websites.

Good luck with your search!
Edit: the prices I listed are for the double unit! The single unit would obviously cost less. :) and I'm not sure that pet stores would make it apart of their Black Friday sale. I know cages don't typically go on sale. It would be awesome if they did though!