Crazy Jumping in a Playpen?

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2011
New York
Hi everyone!

Currently a brand new member, experiencing the many questions that come with raising a chin for the first time. My little sucker's name is Leonardo (Leo for short) and I did get him from a pet store which I know is not advised, but I guess I lucked out because I've had him for a couple months and he's very people friendly/curious and I've had no issues with him.

After looking at what other chinchilla owner's have said regarding a playpen (I cannot have a chin-proofed room where I live) I went out and got this:

It's about 54" in diameter and has a mesh roof and everything. I've just started to put little cardboard tubes in the pen for him to play with so its not empty.

What I'm wondering is, when I first let him into the pen Leo goes CRAZY and is jumping everywhere. Wall-running in a sense. After about a half hour he will calm down. Is this normal? Or is this his way of telling me he hates it?

Thank you for your patience with me!
It's totally normal. Here is a video of Sophie, my three legged chin, surfing in her playpen.

I have one thats similar to yours for my chins and yes they calm down after a bit. Totally normal as Menagerie stated.
from my experience with my two boys, they wall surf when they are happy during playtime. i don't have a play pen though, since their room is chin proofed pretty good.
Just think of little kids getting turned loose on a playground after sitting in class all day...yup that sums up the way my boys act at playtime! :laughitup:
It's totally normal. Here is a video of Sophie, my three legged chin, surfing in her playpen.

What type of playpen is this? I had some gates my my chins learned how to jump over them. I hate to give them the run of the basement it seems way to big even if I do chin proof all around. I need something in between. Pictures and ideas would be greatly appreciated!
It's totally normal. Here is a video of Sophie, my three legged chin, surfing in her playpen.

That makes me a bit sad :(
When i desided to take in a female for my guy a few years back, I went to pick her up (her name was sophie) she was living with a guy (owner didnt mention that part) that only had three legs as well. But he seems to be doing ok, dispite the not so great living conditions. Owner had to give them up, and the boy went with a nurse or receptionist or soemthing that worked at her vets office. So im gald for that. At least the boy has good access to care if he needs it.
I was worried about taking her from her guy and bringing her to my place to be introduced eventuly to another guy. But a year or two later and 2 kids later says she got over it lol.