Crazy chinchilla lady syndrome!

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Portland, OR
Since we lost our little boy I've been pretty um, enthusiastic in making sure our little girl is ok. She gets super annoyed with me every time I burrito her (it takes her a day to forgive me!) I spend most of my time on Google and here checking out things like

* She wiped her nose!

* She sneezed after she had her dust bath!

* She chewed on some cardboard!

* She missed a ledge and fell down a foot!

* She's not very active at 5:30pm!

There are other more serious things we got checked out, like the breathing heavily thing but it's hard to know what's normal!

Most of the time it's silly stuff. What types of things have you freaked out about that were no big deal? What types of things didn't you freak out about that turned out to be a big deal?
Wow, this was and still kinda is me!! I FREAK out and worry about anything my chins do out of the normal.

My first chin, Willow, I only had for about a month... we think she had a stroke. :'( and i'm already a worrying type of person so that ordeal didn't help much. Then when I got my 2 girls I have now, I truly became the crazy chin lady lol. One of them started getting soft poos so I thought she had some infection, but it turned out it was just the food. Then she wouldn't dust... and now she loves baths. Phew! Worrying is hard work! haha
Your post made me laugh! I have definitely caught this syndrome a few times. It has been a couple of years since my first so I can't remember specifics, but I know that's how I became hooked on this forum. I was on here constantly, trying to find out if my chins were "normal"!
Oh and after the "ARE THOSE NUTS" post in chin chat I had a look again :)

Even though we go the seriously detailed view at their first vet visit.
Wow, this was and still kinda is me!! I FREAK out and worry about anything my chins do out of the normal.

My first chin, Willow, I only had for about a month... we think she had a stroke. :'( and i'm already a worrying type of person so that ordeal didn't help much. Then when I got my 2 girls I have now, I truly became the crazy chin lady lol. One of them started getting soft poos so I thought she had some infection, but it turned out it was just the food. Then she wouldn't dust... and now she loves baths. Phew! Worrying is hard work! haha

I know omg. I still randomly text my husband during the day going "IS BUNNY OK?"

The answer is inevitably "she is sleeping."

(Bunny became her nickname :))
I can relate, seem to have the same syndrome. Only had the chins for five days so many things to worry about; is this normal, what about that... Gotta love the Search button. only have one chin! You haven't scratched the surface of crazy. I am out of mind most of the time because the chins make me crazy. They sleep like they are dead, make funny noises, snort, wiggle in their sleep like they are having a seizure, sleep so soundly they don't wake up when I pick them up, etc etc etc. My heart feels like it is going to beat out of my chest and then the chin is just fine...and I get angry at the chin.

There is a lot to worry about. It's better that the chins scare us and not have anything wrong, I suppose. They've probably taken years off my life with their shenanigans. EBIL Chins...
I know omg. I still randomly text my husband during the day going "IS BUNNY OK?"

The answer is inevitably "she is sleeping."

(Bunny became her nickname :))

I know. They scare the living day lights out of me when I see them "dead" and really they're just sleeping on their side haha.

Bunny's a cute nickname :)

and this is random & off topic but your signature thingy is really cute x) "teacup kangaroo"!
Thank you!

It was one of my friends who came by to see her at one of her pretty active times. He was like, "those aren't rodents. Those are teacup kangaroos!"

The other was rabbit crossed with a squirrel. :)
I inspect my chins every night just about from head to tail ha. Inspect their cage every night. Look at all their poos. Ha the list is endless on how easily freaked out I am with all my chins. I have 3 rescues here too and they have the power to give me a heart attack even if 1 poo is small or shriveled up. Yep I got the crazy chin mom syndrome too lol.
Haha, guilty here as well ;) I am constantly looking at poo, sifting through poo and stressing over the lack of poo......untill I remember it´s because I swept down the cage a few hours earlier. My boyfriend has gotten used to me calling out to him from the chin room about the status of the day´s leavings..... Ìt´s a good poo day today!` Whenever they are out playing and miss a jump or fall I involuntarily make a strangeled cry and have to check them over for injury.

God forbid they sleep on their sides, I freak out and think they are dead and after they go back into their cage after playtime I hold the water bottle up to their top shelf so I can be certain they can have water if they want it.

Totally worth all the stress though :)
when da vinci sneezes i worry loads
when meimei is being dumb in the bath rolling and rolling non stop and suddenly stop looking a bit dizzy and out of breath
omg out of breath!

those things constantly bug me
My good friend is definitely a crazy cat lady (4 cats atm) so that makes me the crazy chilla lady. And 4 isn't even a lot!

I'm currently freaked out because I accidentally bought aspen shavings MIXED with paper, and so I picked out all the paper that I'm worried could cause impaction before giving it to my chins, and it took me several hours. Lol my boyfriend thinks I'm nuts.

This makes me concerned that I will end up one of those overprotective "no you can't leave my sight ever" kind of moms one day.
I just thought of two more!

* Oh god she just pooped into her hand and ate it.

* And the most recent, she's breathing rapidly when she comes out of her house to see us.
(This one is still developing!)
Since we lost our little boy I've been pretty um, enthusiastic in making sure our little girl is ok. She gets super annoyed with me every time I burrito her (it takes her a day to forgive me!) I spend most of my time on Google and here checking out things like

* She wiped her nose!

* She sneezed after she had her dust bath!

* She chewed on some cardboard!

* She missed a ledge and fell down a foot!

* She's not very active at 5:30pm!

There are other more serious things we got checked out, like the breathing heavily thing but it's hard to know what's normal!

Most of the time it's silly stuff. What types of things have you freaked out about that were no big deal? What types of things didn't you freak out about that turned out to be a big deal?

Yup when I started googling like crazy I knew I was obsessed......but a plus is I found this nice forum :)

I am crazy too always looking at chin chin watching making sure he is ok....hes probably like this woman needs to leave me alone and stop staring at me privacy please!!!!
I freaked out about switching chin chins food the other day he was raised on sugary junks so I was totally freaked he would not eat the good stuff I bought him, guess what he ate lol
I have had my boys for some time and I am the same way. The first time I saw Coheed laying down I started crying, I thought he was dead! I went to pick him up, he woke up and looked at me like "What is wrong with you, seriously. I'm sleeping!" lol! c:
I am sadly a crazy chin mom too...I have a long list.
1. Chin was stressed and pulled fur out
2. Other chin had a watery eye
3. Sleeping on their side and look dead
4. Squishy poop thought they were gonna die
5. Their whisker looked weird
6. Their ears seemed dry
ect. ect.

Just yesterday my bby hurt his ear. I quickly grabbed him and brought him to my mom telling her we had to go to the emergancy vet. She told me it was just a ripped away skin under the ear and he would b fine. I spent the next 4 hours calling vets that were open, and searching google for EVERYTHING bout chinchillas. They are fine just very annoyed with me cause i seperated them for now and the lack of baths and out-of-cage-time... :wacko:​
My first freak out was when I first saw them sleeping on their side, I thought my chin had died. I poked him and he looked at me with evil eye because I woke him up.
This is a great thread! I've had plenty moments of freaking out!
Missed a jump and fell, HAIR RINGS, Inca's shedding stage :hair:, do they hate me now, and the list goes on. Through it all I am very glad that I am here with all you other "Crazy Chin Ladies and Gents".