Crazy chin

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Jul 31, 2011
I often let my chinchilla gizmo out to run around and stuff and as he was running like a maniac as he normally does he ran head first into the side of his cage. He then stood up on his to back legs and proceeded to fall over as though he was knocked out for like a second. Any way he hit it really hard but afterward he ran around like nothing had happened and he is acting normal. Should i be concerned or take him to a vet for rocking his head so hard?

i actually cant even believe he ran into it.
Are there any open wound that you can see? If none than just keep an eye out on him. One of my boys ran into the wall head on long time ago, but didn't knock out like you described yours. Anyways no open wound and had to call in sick and observe him for 24 hours and he was doing his normal thing.
Not to scare you or anything but its close to what happened with my male. He was out running and then jsut stopped. Stood their. And proceeded into a seizure. It can also happen to mine any time he hes to excited.

My vet said he has a heart murmur on one of his sides when i brough him in the first time.