Couple Questions for Future Owner

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Oct 7, 2010

I have been wanting a chin for awhile and I finally decided I'm getting one soon.

A couple questions though

1) Should I buy a cage or build one like this

2) Do I put bedding on the entire bottom of the cage?

3) What kind of wheel should I get? I heard the wired criss cross mesh wheels are bad because they could get caught in them but I have also heard they are fine. Also i was looking at the saucers, but I heard getting a plastic one is basically a waste of money.

Whether you build or buy depends on your personal preference. Lots of pet owners like the Ferret Nation 142 or the Critter Nation. You can really deck it out and it has lots of space. They are also on wheels which makes them easier to move and clean.

I fill my pans with bedding. Some people use fleece liners with litter pans. Again, it's a personal choice.

The chin spin or the flying saucer are pretty much the wheels of choice on this forum. A member here is also going to start making and selling wheels, and they are really nice, but I'm not sure how close he is to actually going ahead with that.

Welcome to CnH. :)
Thanks so much!

I heard that you should take the ramps off as to limit the things the chins feet can get caught on. Any advice?
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Thanks so much!

I heard that you should take the ramps off as to limit the things the chins feet can get caught on. Any advice?

If you want to leave them in you should cover them with something like fleece. However chins are AMAZING jumpers and with properly spaced ledges they will not need or use the ramps. I had ramps when I first got chins and they completely ignored them. WELCOME :)