Cool the room down?

  • Thread starter burritothechinchilla
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Is it a fan that goes under your vent? I'm a little confused, sorry. I wonder if you could buy a computer fan or something and hook it up to the vent you have now.

I live on the second floor also, in my apartment building. I have an AC in my room and I notice putting a fan in the room helps circulate the cold air a lot. I point it upwards to get the warm air to move lower so it can mix with the cool air and get cooler. I remember thinking about pointing it downwards to see if that would move the cold air to the warm air and mix it better but my fan doesn't move down. Have you tried a room fan?
I have an AC in my room and I notice putting a fan in the room helps circulate the cold air a lot. I point it upwards to get the warm air to move lower so it can mix with the cool air and get cooler.

Generally it's recommended to point the fan at the floor. A big part of what heats up a room is humidity. Humidity settles to the floor. When you point the fan at the floor it disperses that humidity and helps cool the room down.

Other than that, if you're running an a/c that's adequately sized for the room, why would you worry about it being cool enough? If you're worried that it's too hot, put up a temperature gauge and find out exactly what the temperature is. Then if you need to do something you can.
Generally it's recommended to point the fan at the floor. A big part of what heats up a room is humidity. Humidity settles to the floor. When you point the fan at the floor it disperses that humidity and helps cool the room down.

Humid air is less dense so it would rise naturally. The greater the temperature, the less dense the air because it has more water in it which has less mass than air. So near the ceiling is hot, humid air and near the floor is cold, dry air. I only know this because I remembered doing stuff with the ideal gas law in chemistry a couple semesters ago.
Interesting......I'm going by what we were told at the Shindig years ago by a rancher who designed barns with the most efficient way of cooling them. He said a/c and squirrel cage at the top, fan pointed at the floor to disperse humidity. He said it was particularly necessary for the lower runs or cages that were close to the floor. I know it works here. Blowing a fan at the ceiling wouldn't help me much because it would get in the path of the a/c and the squirrel cage.
I belive that you place it inplace of the vent cover. I just thought that it would halp cool down the room even more. The chin room is at a safe temperature right now, but I want to make it as cool as possible to make it comfortable for them. I will be putting a celing fan in shortly, to help cool the room also. :)