cool story on CNN! cat with bionic feet!

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I was really happy to see this because I've always wanted their to be some way horses can be rehabilitated from a broken leg!

You should read this book No job for a lady by Phyllis Lose
I Loved this book, hmm I wonder where it is in my house? She was I believe the first female equine vet. There weren't many female vets in her time but those that were took care of small pets. She went through so much prejudice sp? She was always interested in horse lameness and eventually opened her own horse hospital.
If I knew where mine was I'd loan it to you. Since you have been known to buy books I totally recommend you buy this.

OMG I hadn't looked at the story first. I guess I shouldn't be surprised he has tiny chinny feet
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I was really happy to see this because I've always wanted their to be some way horses can be rehabilitated from a broken leg!

There is and they do have prosthetic legs for them. One was even done here at LSU. They've been plating broken legs for years at WSU - but the break has to be in the right place. The difficulty with doing it with horses/mules is the sheer cost involved - and the months they used to have to spend suspended from the ceiling not being allowed to move.

Nowadays vets are so good they can avoid most of that. :))
The same vet has been treating Azure Chinchillas' dog, Buster. He had a titanium piece put in his leg after cancerous bone was removed.