Condition training?

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2011
Could I condition my chins to know its play time by ringing a small bell in thier cage (when they are active and running around in the evening of course)?

The goal is to have THEM learn this and in the future, ring the bell themselves to let US know they want out to play.

I know my mother trained her dogs to ring the bell when they want out. I also know that many people put their chins on a schedule and if they stray from the schedule the chins let them know by rattling cages, barking, etc. I also believe that chins are VERY intelligent as far as animals go.
I think it's safe to say that it would be possible...but I also think that similar to the case with my parents dogs, you would have the bell rung anytime they wanted out, which could be often. The dogs would ring the bell if they just were bored and wanted out.
Yeah, I think if you could associate the bell with getting out, you would find the bell being rung quite frequently, especially at night.
I agree with Jer--chins are content in their cage but they would much rather be out, so if they knew you would let them out each time they ring the bell then you're going to hear a lot of bell ringing.
So, what your saying is that its not a good idea?

Ring!, Ring! :hair:
I think it probably could be done, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it. I trained my sheltie to ring her poochie bells when she needs to go out to potty. Problem is, she started ringing the bells when she just wanted to go out, rather than needed to potty. And not to say I don't want to let her run around outside several times a day, but when it's 4 am and she's ringing the bell, it better be for potty and not cause she wants to expend some energy if I have to drag myself out of bed. The poochie bells are still hanging on the door, but we've sort of let the behavior extinguish itself because at least half the time we'd take her out, she didn't really have to go, she just felt like going outside. I could see the same thing with the chinchillas... they get the idea that they ring the bell, you let them out... well... mine would never stop ringing the bell! Haha. At least mine go nuts enough on the toys that have the bells... I can't even imagine if they associated something with ringing them!
Yeah, I agree with the others. Could be done, but that bell will be ringing all night long! LOL!
Close this thread lol, :hammer: I didn't think of the fact they would ring it ALL the time. Not what I want at 3am.....:wacko: