Color changes and weight

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Portland, OR
Is there a general guideline for coloring changes? I read somewhere that their coat color is usually more or less set by 6 months. But omg Zebra and a couple others changed so much!

The reason I ask is our little one is still changing color. Attached are a couple photos, not great but hopefully you can see the little ring developing around her neck. It started out as a little gray splotch like the one on her head and then slowly started growing. She's also getting a little gray around her butt and tail :)

The first was taken a couple days ago. The second was taken within a week of having her.

I'm wondering if she's younger than what the girl told us.

She's theoretically about 8 months now. She's also about 475 grams, not sure if that's normal or within a healthy range?

And omg I just noticed the difference in her coat since moving to the Blue Cloud!


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Einstien is five years old and hasn't stopped changing shades yet, though his basic markings are more or less the same. (He's the first chin pictured in this thread:

Many whites change colors/shade throughout their lives, though the most dramatic changes usually occur within the first year. Black Velvets are often born with just a spot of black on the face. The veiling will take five to 12 months to fill in on average. Standards, beiges, ebonies, etc. are usually done around 6 mos to a year with their veiling filled in and their color/shade pretty well set. Though they too can sometimes change on you a little as adults when they prime and new fur grows in, though its not a lot of change and not an overnight thing. You may not even notice if you see the chin everyday.

Also, lighting makes a big difference in how the fur looks. You may not notice light gray on white in a dimly lit room, but it will really stand out under show lights or natural lighting.
I forgot about Einstein, he's gorgeous. She's definitely changing color. I notice the rings expanding about a month ago when we moved her cage and she keeps going :)

Looking forward to seeing how she changes in the future! Thanks.

And I just noticed how much bigger her ears are :3
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