Collapsible Rodent Traps on sale

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
Renton, Wa
I was just at Harbor Freight where I picked up a collapsible rodent trap for $5.99. They are the perfect size for trapping wayward chinchillas who have decided to wallsurf off of your face and into the chin room at 11:30 at night. Just set it up against a wall that the chin is running along with some tiny deliciouis morsal and pretty soon you will hopefully have trapped the little fuzzball.
They are long metal cages with a trip plate at the far end. You put a yummy morsal on the far side of the trip plate and when the chin steps on the plate to eat the treat it releases the door, which is at the other end of the trap. I have rescued many a feral kitten in larger trap like this and none have ever been injured.