Collapsible Cage for Emergencies

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Jul 5, 2009
I live on a fault line, so considering the activity of said fault, I was curious what people use for emergency caging to evacuate their homes with their chinchillas. A collapsible one would be ideal, so I can store it right before we would have to get out of the door.
If I were to have to go somewhere away from home and stay for whatever reason for a period of time, I have these for the chins:

But for emergencies of needing to get the chins out now, I definitely wouldn't bother with a collapsible cage but rather carriers. The carriers that have multiple holes are the easiest..just open them up, put the chins in and go. Ryerson makes these types of carriers, as well as JP Chinchillas and Quality Cage.
I am also in earthquake country. I use Bridgeports collapsible cages for travel, but in a emergency they would just go in their carriers-I do keep in my SUV a bag of oxbow, bag of hay cubes, bottled water, bag of dust with pan and a bag of apple twigs, bottles and bowls for food. It may not be the greatest way to keep it in a emergency but if we are talking a get out NOW situation its better than nothing.
I do keep in my SUV a bag of oxbow, bag of hay cubes, bottled water, bag of dust with pan and a bag of apple twigs, bottles and bowls for food. It may not be the greatest way to keep it in a emergency but

Awesome! :))

I too have carriers stored in a cabinet next to their cages. I was at work when my mom and kids were home and my daughter felt she had to get a chin away from its cagemate right away and quickly took one chin out of the cage while my other daughter grabbed a carrier!
I have a nylabone brand carrier that is side and open top, it collapsed flat, and I usually keep it in my trunk because I never know when I'll be finding something I need to put in a carrier. It's pretty heavy and the holes are too small for a chin to easily get in and chew on it.
I have one of the collapsible cages in the link provided by Stacie. I have the 24"x24" one. Its very sturdy and plenty of room for a single or pair of chinchilla(s) to stay temporarily in.
I've been using the Quality Cage ones for a couple of years now, we've had 2 successful hurricane evacuations in them. I give them a 2 thumbs up!!

I can store them folded flat under my Ferret Nations and they pop up literally in seconds. Now granted, we get sufficient warning for hurricane evacuations, so your situation might be a little different, but...

What I do is pop up the cage, put in some litter, and then take the hutch, water bottle, hay pot and food bowl out of the FN and stick it in the evac cage. Then I pop the chins in and we are good to go. I keep small hammocks hanging in them already.

I have the 24 x 18 x 16 sizes and I put 2 chins in each. It's not that large, but they do okay. I had to go with what fit into the back of my SUV. Better than leaving them behind!!