Coffee drinkers!!!

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A few years back, my wife went to Costco to do the bi-weekly shopping, and, since we almost needed coffee anyway, bought the "store brand" [Kirkland] 100% Columbian, to try.
Well, I loved the brand we were using, and was a little apprehensive about it, but being much less expensive, opened the 3 lb. can, and tried it!
Much to my surprise it was GREAT!! Been using it ever since!
Two reasons I bring this up - one is it's currently about $7.50 for 3 lbs. [around here] and two, I took some to an old friend last week, that only liked Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, and McD's - in that order!
He brewed some in his home 2 cup brewer, and liked it so much, went and bought 6 cans the next day - even gave me one for the turn-on! Says it's better than all 3! Especially black!
I guess every now and then, you can lead a horse to water, and they'll drink!
That was the brand they finally bought at my old job. We used to have crap coffee nobody wanted to drink and then they bough the Kirkland signature one. It's good. I can't say it's better than Starbuck, but defenetly better than Dunkin Donuts, McDo and Tim Horton.
I've bought it before, and it's actually pretty good, especially considering how affordable it is.
The only coffee I will drink black is this stuff I found in Costa Rica that is organic and fair trade. It really is just that delicious and I am a heavy cream and sugar person. Never tried kirkland before.

Starbucks tastes like butt anyways always hated their coffee and so does McD's. If I can't have my Costa Rican one give me DD.