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How do you guys clean up your chinnies cages? Every day or every week? Do you just vacume it up? For some reason my chinnies cage always looks dirty and it seems like everyone else`s is clean most of the time. thanks.
I take out the liners every day/every other day and shake the poop and hay out in the backyard. I have a tiny dust pan and broom that I then remove everything that may have fallen off the liner. I then put the liner back in the cage. I wash my liners between once a week to twice a week depending on if it's a single chin or a pair.
I clean out her bedding (pine shavings) once a week. Sometimes more if needed. I also vaccum daily. I don't like to see her taking a nap in her poopy.
My chin room unfortunately has carpet, so I vacuum twice a day--the carpet, around the cages, shelves, all the crevices that have accumulated Every weekend is cage cleaning, half Saturday morning, the other half on Sunday morning. All my pans are hosed down outside and all bedding replaced.
EVERY night i pick up all the poop, hay & shavings that are on the fleece covered floor.
in some cages i change the litter (those that pee a lot), some i just add a small handful to top off. if they pee on the shelves or tile i wipe it down. i then give them fresh food and hay and wood and fix thier cage. Nine chins in eight cages and one handfed chin takes about 1 hour........that is with one or two coming out.
about 2 times per week i take everything out, wipe down the pans, get fresh fleece and shavings in all cages. i would like to do this 3 times a week, but honestly i have to take them all out to do it, so last night it took me almost 3 hours! of course i weighed them all and played a bit but it does take me a while.

oh and i sweep at least twice a day, every day!
Crash has fleece liners with a pine chip litter pan for pee and he's pretty good about not using the liner unless the wood chips are yucky. The litter gets dumped and refreshed every night and the pan washed with hot vinegar water on Sunday or Monday. The liner comes out to be shaken and flipped (usually) every night, and is changed every 3-4 days. The shelves get brushed off once a week, and scrubbed with vinegar water monthly. I've been lax about scrubbing the cage itself, so it hasn't been touched since early January, but it usually gets a wash with vinegar water once a month too.
I clean some cages 2x a week and others every 2 days. I have extra pans which makes it a little bit easier to clean. I pull out trays wash it in vinegar, soap and water, rinse and let it dry in the sun. I go through about 2 bales of shavings a week.
Yeah, my chins are in my bedroom, which has carpet so it is pretty messy. I just made a little wooden wall 6" high around the bottom floor to try to minimoze the poop that comes flying out. In the process I shot a 1 3/4" nail through my thumb with my airgun. :( it hurts.
i have a tiny dust pan and broom that i use to sweep every morning before i go to school. i also change their food and water and clean up their bedding a bit every morning at the same time. every sunday then, i wipe everything down and put in fresh bedding all together.
As for vacuuming/sweeping, luckily my entire house it either tile or hard wood floors. The room that my rescues are in is tiled, and the room that my pets are in is hardwood so it's really easy. I don't have a set schedule for when I sweep, just whenever I see stuff on the floor.
I vacuum poop and clean out hay from the shelves once a day. I change the liners about once a week, my cage bottoms are mesh grates so I don't feel bad about going a little longer because they aren't sitting in it.
I usually refill the hay, pellets, and water every night but then I replace the fleece liners every other day and wipe the bottom down with a spray that I got from Petsmart which smells really good and it gets the white stains of pee off the pans really good, its called Clean Cage and it dries fast. I just spray a little on and wipe with a wet rag or baby wipe. I usually wait a few minutes for it to dry a little and wipe out the liter pan, food dishes, and wipe down the shelves with the rag/baby wipe too. Then replace everything and set it up neat and tidy which it will stay during the day then at night forget it. I usually like to vacuum around their cages once or twice a week and I usually vacuum the liners before I throw them in the wash. We have carpet so it takes a little bit longer than a broom and dust pan.

Last weekend, I vacuumed and cleaned their liners every night I think I'm beginning to have OCD about their clean liners. I wash them more than I do my own and it makes me feel like I just put clean sheets on my bed :wacko:
i vaccume all the bedding out once a week - I change my run pans more often if they start to get bad before then. I also clean the pans and wipe down the walls down a lot more than I used to since my room is small and ive been scared by the pneumonia i had. I bleach and then put my water bottles through the dishwasher too. Several of my chins are in large cages though so those dont get as bad as the run pans. I also notice my females dirty their cages more than the males do (more pee for some reason). I go through 18cuft of shavings in about 2 weeks.
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