Cleaning vs. Enjoyment

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Another thread made me wonder what is your view on male chins who clean themselves.

I have never thought of a male cleaning himself as masturbation. I don't see my males sitting there cleaning themselves anymore than a see a female cleaning herself in the genitalia. Masturbation is the act of doing it purely for the sexual feeling. While I don't doubt they may get some enjoyment out of the cleaning, I've never thought they do it specifically for the enjoyment of it.

What are your opinions?
Males like doing that. I don't think that they do it just because it feels good, there is a purpose for it...that is to clean any fur or debris off of the penis so that it will remain in working order. Younger males tend to do it more than older males, so there is a component that involves them enjoying it.

They really do need to do it because they remove fur rings from themselves and they need to know how to do that. One thing about performing hair ring checks and hair ring removal too frequently is that the males may never learn to keep themselves clean. It's a good idea to just give them their space and let them do what they need to do. If they like doing it, then they will do it more and probably have less issues with larger fur rings that require intervention to remove.
I think just like us humans if it feels good we are going to keep doing it. Sex for humans was created to reproduce too but we do it more for enjoyment. I am not saying that they aren't just cleaning themselves but sometimes it looks like it's more than just a cleaning. Thank god my chichi does it. I've only had to remove one hair ring in the 8 years I've had him. :)
I hardly ever see my female cleaning herself but maybe she does it when I'm not looking.
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I have 4 males.... I have noticed.that one boy cleans himself quite a bit more "publicly". the other boys very rarely let me catch them in the act. I check for hair rings regularly, so I know thats not the issue, the chin who does clean him self more is much younger. I do believe it pleasures them, but I think nature intended it to be that way. if they like it they will do it often and hence... keep themselves clean
I have 9 boys and "catch" them doing this every so often. I assume it feels good with the dual purpose of good hygiene ... I don't much care what the true motive is because either way, it's a natural action that serves a purpose.