chronic dry skin?

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
Is there anything that can be done for chronic dry skin? Pythagoras' feet and ears are always dry and flaky looking. We apply bagbalm atleast once a week, and while this helps to manage it, it doesn't cure it. I'm just concerned about him getting an infection and developing bumble foot later in life. He gets a bath about twice a week and is kept in acceptable temperature and humidity levels. It doesn't appear to bother him, he's not overly itchy.

Any thoughts?
Is there any redness or warmth associated with the dryness on his feet? If not, I wouldn't worry about it too much. We have a few that have that dry scaliness, but haven't developed anything from it.
Have you tried putting Desenex in his dust? That is usually used to treat fungus. I have a recent owner surrender of 3 chinchillas, and the lady said her daughters had given them actual baths (in water) and that's why they were missing some fur, so I immediately treated them for fungus. I put alot more Desenex in their dust than the people on here said to, only because the chinchillas were still willing to dust in it.- usually they aren't too fond of the Desenex, as it has a very strong smell, not bad, but strong, so that's why you usually don't put a ton in. Just a thought! :)
Putting desenex in the dust bath would probably make chronic dry skin worse. The powder acts as a dessicant. Plus, Brittany didn't say anything about having problems with fungus.

Dry and flaky skin =/= fungus
No redness or heat. I'm 99.9% sure he doesn't have fungus. He isn't missing any fur. He just has bad dry skin year round. I read somewhere that natural perches can help to toughen the feet. I was considering getting some flagstone and natural branches. Do you think that would make it worse since he's already so dry?
How old is he? Many of my adults have rough looking feet - they are tough, in a good way, just by having a solid bottom cage and wooden shelves. They are a bit scaly, but I wouldn't call them dry.
Do his feet feel smooth at all? Do they have any sort of a shine to them, or are they dull and rough and dry?

If they still have a healthy 'shine' to them, despite some scaly parts (where is looks like dead skin is falling off), I wouldn't worry about it - I think chinnies just get old people feet!