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Ok, so my boss knows a boy who is 17 and his parents have cut him off because he chose to leave their faith. I don't know if you know what Amish is, but he left the Amish faith. Anyhow, this boy has nothing now. He also cannot find a job at the moment. If anyone has followed the economic situation, the county he lives in has the highest unemployement rate is the US. My boss bought him two pairs of jeans, but he needs clothing badly. She told me yesterday that he had a coat that was all ripped up. I have the coat covered as I am giving him my husbands old coat. But I was wondering if anyone here would like to pitch in so that I can get him a few gift certificates for him to buy clothing for Christmas. If you want to help, PM me and we can discuss specifics. I have his sizes as well if you would like those.

Thanks for reading, and I understand if no one wants to help as it is rough out there...
Do you have any good thrift stores in your area? If you do, then even if you have a little extra cash you could get him more clothes for the money.

And yes, it is terribly rough for the Amish who choose to leave. Sometimes the families will still talk to them, but many times not, it's the way they're taught to behave.
Check locally to see if there is any kind of assistance program for those leaving the Amish. I went to college in Ohio's Amish country (which has/had a larger population of them than IN at one time) and there was a small, "a few families together" kind of mission group through one of the protestant churches that helped with finding housing, clothes, and jobs for shunned Amish. Of course, the group I knew of was only for women/girls who left, many of them due to abuse, but there might be something similar near you. I've heard of similar set ups for boys leaving the Mormon faith as well.

If I had extra, I'd send it, but I really can't do more than wish him well and thank you for giving a hoot about someone else at the holidays.
Can you post his size in clothing and shoes? I have 2 nephews a little older but they could be around the same size. Let us know and I know I can get some good stuff from both of my nephews. I'll cover the cost of shipping as well.
If I had extra, I'd send it, but I really can't do more than wish him well and thank you for giving a hoot about someone else at the holidays.

Well, all I know is that when I didn't have last year my work got together and gave me food, gas cards, and gift cards. So, this year it's my turn to help someone in need. But thank you for all of that. I really had a hard time on deciding whether I should post this here or not because I know that there are a ton of scams out there. But I know this kid needs help.

Can you post his size in clothing and shoes? I have 2 nephews a little older but they could be around the same size. Let us know and I know I can get some good stuff from both of my nephews. I'll cover the cost of shipping as well. His size is XL or Large for shirts and 34/34 for pants.