Chnaces on accepting a cage mate

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I really want to get Whiskers a cage mate before school starts back up(because once school starts i won't have as much time to work on making them bond but i will still have time to play) But im wondering what the chances are of Whiskers accepting a cagemage. She is about 7 months old, she lives in a FN142 so there would be plenty of room.

Of course theres the chance of her accepting a new cagemate, you just have to be prepared for the what-if's. Don't know when school starts for you but you have to consider the at least 30 day quarantine in a separate cage and room. After that is the intros and hopefully both girls will get along, if not, its separate cages for both of them and you just have to be ready and accepting of that just in case.
Usually there's not a problem with young females about 95% of the time - put them together after quaranteen, and watch them for an hour or two - you'll see!
So just try and get another female under a year? Are their any colors that accept cage mates better?
Also do most cagemates go an entire lifetime without a fight or is there usually a couple scuffles throughout their time?
With females most of the problems occur in the beginning. After that there may be some disagreements over who gets to use the waterbottle first or who gets the "good" pieces of hay. Usually nothing serious at all to even be considered a fight. Once the chins have accepted each other there are usually no problems ever again.
So if they are both under a year there is a +-95% chance of them accepting eachother and then a full out hurt each other fight is unlikely but possible? And after a quarantine of 30 days do you think i could have them together withen 10 day?
About how long do you think it would take for them to be together without me watching?
It depends on the chins. Sometimes I put chins together and I don't have to watch them because they are immediately gentle and accepting of each other. Usually after an hour or two you would have a pretty good idea of if they would fight, but I would definitely hang around for an afternoon or evening to watch. Often I will wake up in the middle of the night just so I can check on chins I have introduced. I do have my tricks in getting them to like each other and to get them to be less aggressive. :)
I do intros in a smaller cage that I can take around the house with me. If I am at all worried that is
I usually use my ferret barn for the first day to keep an eye