Chin's weight

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Well-known member
May 27, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Now reading close to only 30% of this whole forum since I've joined, boy is there a lot of reading :wacko: I finally got a nice scale to weigh my chins. Amazingly they actually sat on the scale and held still (still shocked about that)
So here goes it:
Chubs (standard male): 491g
Squirt (standard male): 509g
Sparkle (mosaic female):533g
Tinker (mosaic female): 433g
Now when I first got the boys Squirt was the smaller compared to his brother Chubs, that's how I came up with their name. Their weight I'm hoping is normal. The boys are 1 year and 3 months old.

The girls however is what concerns me the most. As some may already know, I got these girls 3 months ago from craigslist from a back yard breeder that gave his siblings to care for and didn't work out due to lack of care. Just by glance and Sparkle has gotten much bigger since she been with me for 3 months, she looks like what her sister looks like now. Tinker however looked like my boys when they were 4 months old, but now look more like when the boys were 6 months old. She eats the most between the two sisters from what I see (but who knows when I'm not in their room). I was told the girls were 2 and born in November of 2009, I always questioned their age reason why I question is mainly when I saw them they were pretty tiny. The person did tell me that they went through 1 winter, so chances I'm on the dot with 2010 dob instead of 2009 but who knows. So that's a bit of a history of the girls. I'm most concern with Tinker's weight! She still looks runty! I feel no bones when I hold her or pet her at all after the first month of her coming home. I have asked 2 of the local breeders that I know in the twin cities (each have at least 25-30 chins) and they seen pictures of Tinker. They recommend me hand feeding Tinker plain alfalfa hay during play time, so Sparkle don't go at it. These are also the individuals that I bug like crazy to learn more and more about chins. They probably hate me by now with my questions :laughitup:
I'm always the type that's out for 2nd or 3rd opinions. So for all you experienced chin owners and breeders; what do you think of the weight on all 4 of my chins. Also what can I do to plump Tinker up or is her weight ok? Also the kido is basically my most hyper active, adhd, kangaroo hopping, mischievous little monster that I love dearly.
They eat the following: Boys PRCS & Timothy hay free feed. Girls Mazuri & Timothy hay free feed. Treats are given when play time is over and back in their cage, amounts and type exactly this much: Crushed Rose hips only 3 pieces, 1 cheerio plain, rolled oats old fashion 3 piece, groat oaks 3 piece, dried dandelion 1 or a pinch of the peddles, timothy cube, chin cookies a small piece (from Champhor Chins). These treats are given at a rotation, never repeating any each week.
Sorry long post, but I wanna be detail about it at the same time. Also, they poop, pee, drink, and eat perfectly fine.