chin's right eye is half open, and keeps scratch that eye

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Jul 10, 2012
Start from this morning, my Chin's . I thought he was sleepy. Now, tonight, his right eye is still half open. And he become quite, but normally he is very active at night. And he keeps scratches that eye and his nose every few minutes.
Any advise or similar experience?

He was running fast in my living room this morning. Is it possible he hit his eye somewhere?
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He needs a vet. He might have scratched his cornea, or gotten an infection.
His behaviour indicates that he's definitely uncomfortable. I'd get him checked out ASAP.
Yea that sounds more like he already has an eye infection or scratched eye. I'd get it looked at by the vet.
We saw the vet this afternoon. The vet gave some eye drop and pain medicine.
Now he is much better, and active as usually.
But I got another problem. I have timothy hay and alfalfa pellet for him. He likes them. Start from a few days ago, he stop eating timothy hay. Now I switch to a different brand timothy hay, and also give him 1/3 alfalfa pellet with 2/3 timothy pellet, and the timothy cube. He picks through the hays and doesn't like them. He only eat the pellets and the cube. I try to let him eat timothy b/c timothy has more fiber.
It might be a bad batch of hay? Certain bags I get from oxbow get picked apart and I find the majority of the hay laying on the floor of the cage. I'm going to start looking for companies that I can order a higher quality hay from to avoid waste. I hope the medicine takes care of that eye
The previous bag of timothy is from oxbow. The current bag is from All living things. I bought them from Petsmart. Neither of them my chin likes.
where do you get timothy based pellets? I have been looking for the oxbow version but they only have alfalfa based and I suspect it's a bit too sweet for my chinchilla.