Chins, hurricanes and evacuation

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Stephanie: Zoo Poo Gal!
Dec 4, 2009
Kingsland, Georgia
I was watching Animal Cops Houston today and it was an episode that was filmed after Rita hit that part of Texas and it got me to thinking..

I know there are quite a few of you who live down around that area (Tx, La, Miss, etc ) that have quite a few chins and I was wondering what you do if you are forced to evacuate.
i only have 1 chin and i didnt have him when Ike hit, but whenever a hurricane comes around, id evacuate.

i know that people who have multiple chins may not find this as easy though. but in my opinion, its necessary. depending on what category the hurricane is, staying may be ok. but then again, with Ike, it was only a category 2 storm but had category 5 storm surge.

even if a storm may not be as severe, the after-effects are what make living in a city impossible. my entire campus had to move for a semester after Ike. tooks weeks before full power was restored, water was unsafe to drink, few people had generators. imo, evacuating is the best bet. just make an evacuation plan before hand and have things ready.
I too only have 1 chin, but after being through Katrina...all pets are being evacuated with us (with the exception of the fish tank) My hubbie and I will be in 2 cars, along with 2 kids, a dog, a cat, and a chin :) Generator will be waiting for us when we get back!

Oh and make fast decisions and go WAY early!
I live down in south florida and have been here for nearly 23 years. I have lived through many many hurricanes including andrew, katrina (not nearly as bad as it was in new orleans) family has never planned to leave, not even through hurricanes such as andrew.

I do think about what I'd do if I had to...or even the simple fact if I decide to move. I have 26 animals + 2 fish tanks. thankfully most are small and could even travel in their cage, but I think i could gather enough carriers quickly to pack my car and leave...I just fear what my car may smell like after some time stuffed with animals hah.
I have several small cages and am in the process of ordering more collapsible ones from quality cages. If all else failed, I do have carrier for all of the chins and my cat, so they wouldn't be happy for a few days, but they would be alive. Put everyone in the car and go.

I am not one to stick around for really bad weather, though I used to live in a crappy house. Now that I live in a concrete block home I am looking for a decently priced generator that can run a window unit. I made it a point to keep mine from where I lived last, though it's just sitting in the shed now.
Well I think its important to prepare for any kind of emergency - I have to deal with possible tornados and I am terrified of a fire - seeing how I have 4 dogs and 20ish chins I'd toss dogs in crates out the door and id hope i had enough time to get everyone in carriers but if not honestly, I think pillow cases would work just to get everyone out...good news is my chin room is about 20ft away from the garage door so it wouldnt be far to get them outside..although id probably just pick runs up with all the adrenaline I'd be feeling lol - my males would never come out of the runway even for an emergency
i just found this article online.

it has a pretty thorough checklist for what to take in any emergency. hurricane season is almost here, so for those of us by the coast, we better be prepared. and in any other emergency situation, we should all be prepared. check your supplies now and stock up! better to be safe than sorry. i'll be ordering some life line in a few minutes. lol gotta make sure im prepared for anything!