chinny scream?

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Dec 27, 2010
hastings south east england
my male chin randomly cries for no reason occasionally some nights, i wake up and hear him sound like hes crying in distress, when i rush out he just looks at me as if it wasent even him, and there dosent appear to be anything wrong atall, anyone know why he might do this? it really does sound like hes being attacked or trapped or something but hes just sitting on his shelf.
He just wants your attention. He knows that you will come running when he screams. Chins are good at training us.
It could also be because he's wanting or needing to get the 2 female chins' attention.
I was also wondering about this myself....I only have one female chin..i think it is barking though, not screaming...i think i would fall out of bed if I woke up to her screaming! I practically do when she barks! She has me trained well if she only needs my attention. I usually think it is when she gets to warm and she wants me to fix it(this happened durning Turkey day when we were spending a few nights with family, so i opened the window and she was fine).
My girls will scream or bark when there's too much noise in the room, i.e. the TV's too loud, too many people talking. We had a small New Year's Eve party in our apartment; only five people, but the chins thought it too loud. They started screaming about 9:30 p.m. and didn't stop until we broke up about 11:00 p.m.
Sandi- can he be that desperate for the females lol! Also don't think its a bark cuz iv heard him bark at night and day before, also I was just sitting quietly not much noise going on and he just ran from the hallway legged it into the front room squeeling like mad, I'm thinking it might be because something spooked him perhaps so maybe he is just scared :O is it possible for soothing music to cause ac chin to fall asleep- only because my chin's falling asleep on his perch while I'm playing a game which has some really soothing music on! Love my chinny!
My daughter has heard 1 of my boys cry out, not bark but a "crying loudly" noise. I have no female chins so I believe that they can do this noise but I don't know why. My daughter checked on all of them and they were all fine. I know of another member who has male and females in the same room but housed separately and 1 of her males does this loud crying noise and she believes it's probably when one of the female chins goes in heat.

On another note, you shouldn't let your chin have free roam if you are not in the same room as he is in. He could easily get hurt and if something scared him, you wouldn't know because you were in another room.
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One of my chins will cry/scream a few times in a row when he is sleeping. I can only assume he is either having a nightmare or trying to holla at some fine female he is dreaming of. I usually just say his name a few times or nudge him awake and he rolls back over and it fine.
My Leonard and Mick St. John do the "I need to get a girlfriend" scream frequently. I just call their name and make a shhhhhhh sound and they usually calm down. It is a very terrifying scream but after awhile when you run in and discover absolutely nothing wrong, you just get used to it.
I've been noticing the same thing occurring the last few days...and I can never pinpoint who's doing the "screaming" (it's always when my back is turned, or when I'm attempting to sleep).

I think it may be a combo of John Doe missing his sister (in the cage below), and him wanting attention...he is always at the front of the cage these days, while Sappho used to be the one to do that.
I also have a screamer.. We thought the first few times Bowie had gotten his wiskers caught on something, it was that loud. Now we know he just wants attention. :impatient:
It must be something in the air!!
One of my girls was chin screaming somethin' awful last night, and I have no idea why. It was 3:30am, it was dead quiet. Crazy critters. I turned the TV on and went back to bed!
my Rhino is a mute compared to all your chins! lol. other than the faintest peeping once in a while during playtime, he's never made a noise around me. no barks, no kaks, no nothing.

but when my best friend was in town this past weekend, and i gave them my bed to sleep in, Rhino sat in his hammock (cage corner closest to the bed) and peeped all night long! now i'm jealous of my friend, lol. Rhino also has a liking for this friend's feet, perching on them all the time, and not wanting to move off.
One of my chins will cry/scream a few times in a row when he is sleeping. I can only assume he is either having a nightmare or trying to holla at some fine female he is dreaming of. I usually just say his name a few times or nudge him awake and he rolls back over and it fine.

+1 Mine will randomly do what I refer to ask monkey calls and their all males.
Typically it will be in the middle of the night and occur randomly, and when I run up to check on them they look at me as if to say what are you staring at.

I too think it has something to do with dreaming.
Rocko has done that about 3 times since i got him. Just randomly in the middle of the night when it is dead quiet out he will wake me up because he will make a whining sound. I go over to make sure hes ok and hes just sitting there on his ledge perfectly fine. Hes my little brat :) nothing really scares him. we can have the music or tv on and hes fine with it.