chinchillas hopping

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Ever since I got Kurtis he walks, or hops, differently than Kingston. He doesn't seem to be in pain, he's eating and drinking fine, and pooping. He's always hopped like a limp (sort of, just hops slow) since the first day, but lately it just concerns me as I notice he never wall surfs or anything. Also, he moves along the bottom of his cage and doesnt jump around like a mad man like Kingston. Is this something I should check out or is he just calmer than Kingston?
When you say he hops, do you mean he'll walk then HOP up in the air, then walk around or run then HOP up again. If you do that's called popcorning.. My little Angel does that. If you mean he's not even walking good, sorry I am wrong...

But I can say this, I have 4 adults and when they are out for playtime they do have all different speeds they run around in, and mine don't wall surf much anymore. Some do, some never do....
All three of my girls move differently. Nyx likes to walk upright if she doesn't need to go anywhere fast. It took Nyx weeks to figure out wall running. Petra runs with what we fondly call the "floppy butt". And Pia seems gracefull for a baby. She already wall runs much more then Nyx.

I wouldn't worry about it unless his other normalcies decrease.
I would describe it as a kangaroo maybe? He pulls himself with his front legs very slowly then quickly moves his hind legs forward.

haha I have to see this "floppy butt" on camera Sarah
I have chins that walk that way if they are not in a hurry. It's nothing to worry about and perfectly normal. Your little one just likes to take his time.
I have a very shy and timid guy that gets around like that. I think it's rather cute. He is super sweet and calm, and just doesn't like running around, bounding all over the place like his cagemate. He'd much rather cuddle with me!
I have a very shy and timid guy that gets around like that. I think it's rather cute. He is super sweet and calm, and just doesn't like running around, bounding all over the place like his cagemate. He'd much rather cuddle with me!

same here! during playtime Kurt just comes up to me and sits on me and watches me play on the computer.
hi I have 6 of my own chinchillas and 4 are extremely hyper, but 2 just like to chill out. Its just their personality is all and if hes doing everything normally then its just who he is.

My chinchillas names are Terra, mom, lulu, tinker, Jerry, and david. (Jerry and Terra are the more calmer ones.)