Chinchillas and Exercise Balls

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Isabella Whateva

Well-known member
May 18, 2009
So a guy I went to high school with just posted pictures of his new chinchilla on facebook. I noticed one had the chin in the ball, so I commented on it and let him know that they aren't really safe for them and that they can overheat and die.
Well, his sister (who is like 15) responded on there (very impolitely) about how it's fine, she's "never heard about that sh**," he's really happy when they put him in the ball, and how she puts her chinchilla in it all the time. I tried to tell her about how it's kind of common knowledge on almost every chinchilla website and book that they can be very dangerous. All she said was "You can't trust the internet, anybody can just make a website." When I told her they were high maintenance and very fragile, she just said that hers were just "crazy" and didn't act like chinchilla's at all. :banghead:

I'm frustrated because I'm genuinely concerned for this chin's safety. These two are the kind of people to just get a chinchilla cause it's cute and neglect to do any actual research. I really don't want to get in an internet flame war with a 15-year-old, but I can't just stand by while this chin gets mistreated.

Any advice on what I should do? or should I just let it go?
The chin will be alright...but they sort of have to have the house pretty cool so the chin won't overheat and they need to supervise while the chin is in it. So, it's not like it really makes playtime that much easier...might as well just put the chin in a chinsafe area and let him play without a stupid ball.

You can only do so much...just tell them the facts and if they choose not to follow the advice, that's all you can do and it isn't your fault if the chin gets injured. People usually don't follow advice, that's just how it goes. (Welcome to my world...) :)
If it were me, I'd have a hard time letting that go. I guess I'd just give them the facts again and emphasize that they could end up being responsible for the death of their chin, and that's on their heads. There's not much else you can do, and one would hope that the thought of potentially harming/killing their pet would make them rethink it...
Sometimes you just have to let it go, just wait until the chin pees on itself in the ball and they have to clean it, maybe they'll give it up then once they see how gross it can be.

All you can really do is make a suggestion and send them links to reputable sites and then just hope they look at them
You can generally only do right by you and not others. I know it's a tough thing to understand. If people do not want help or want to change they will never be receptive to the advice of others.
The best thing you can do is really nothing. As Haley said perhaps in time they'll be tired of cleaning it. Chins don't really run around much in the balls at all, rather just sit there. So unless it's extremely hot I don't see them getting overheated just sitting in the ball.
And better for you still to just stay away from the site and not drive yourself nuts! You are the best place you can be for chin knowledge.
Thanks guys!
I have been messaging the guy privately and it's a lot easier to talk to him without the girl being all hostile.
Also I found out it's not his sister, it's his friend's sister and apparently she breeds them! That's where he got his. It's kind of alarming that such a young girl who is pretty irresponsible is breeding chins... Apparently his boy is really friendly though because he was used to being handled when he was a baby.

I found out he's been keeping his chin Seth in a big fish tank, but he's buying an actual cage soon so that's good. We're even discussing breeding our chins in the far future.
... We're even discussing breeding our chins in the far future.

REALLY???!!! That doesn't sound like a very good idea. Just randomly pairing chins about whose backgrounds you know nothing is not very responsible.

I think if you stick around and read a lot on this forum, you will find that the general consensus is "backyard breeders" are not a good thing.

It is better that you learn what you can from those more experienced than you, and then purchase quality breeding stock with which to start your herd. Even the best, most experienced breeders have trouble from time to time, but at least they know the genetic history of the chins involved in the pairing.

You might try directing your friend to this forum. It is a great place to learn everything you can from some very experienced, knowledgeable people. They are open to questions about every topic imaginable, and the search function will allow you to learn a lot about any topic.
If you ask a lot of questions, most likely we'll talk you out of breeding chinchillas. :) The best possible thing is to enjoy your happy, healthy pet chinchillas. Some days I wish that I had only adopted four or five chins of the same sex and left it at that.

I am glad that you have an open line of communication with the owner of this chinchilla. It's a shame that a young girl is breeding yet gets so upset about the issue of the stupid plastic exercise balls.

Breeding is serious, under even the best conditions it can be expensive and heart breaking. Don't get me started on the stories though...unless you have a few hours to waste and possibly want to cry with me. I've scaled way back on breeding for two reasons 1) letting the babies go is hard and it hurts me to think of not being able to see them and 2) bad things can and do happen, losing mamas or kits is just emotionally painful. Oh wait, I lied... 3) I have had so many rescues come in that it isn't possible to find homes for everyone because people will choose a baby over an adult most of the time...
If you want more chinchillas, you should consider adopting instead of breeding. There are plenty of homeless chins out there that need loving homes that are stuck in shelters, or bad homes. Save a life before you create another :]
The discussion of breeding was a very faint possibility and the very far future. We really don't have the time, space, or money to deal with babies right now. I would definitely do very extensive research before actually doing it. Thanks for the advice. If I ever did breed, I planned to stop after one litter. Don't worry, I'm not going to jump to a decision. I'm information obsessed and I never do something new without researching to the point where I can consider myself an expert.
The discussion of breeding was a very faint possibility and the very far future. We really don't have the time, space, or money to deal with babies right now. I would definitely do very extensive research before actually doing it. Thanks for the advice. If I ever did breed, I planned to stop after one litter. Don't worry, I'm not going to jump to a decision. I'm information obsessed and I never do something new without researching to the point where I can consider myself an expert.

Like it was previously stated, you can do all the research you want but you should not breed chins who have no unknown backgrounds or that are not breeding quality. If you are going to breed, you need high quality breeding stock..chins with good confirmation, color, size, etc etc etc.....

Chins with unknown backgrounds could harbor genetic diseases such as malo without showing any symptoms. However, they can pass it down to their offspring..malo is a very slow, painful death sentence.
Like it was previously stated, you can do all the research you want but you should not breed chins who have no unknown backgrounds or that are not breeding quality. If you are going to breed, you need high quality breeding stock..chins with good confirmation, color, size, etc etc etc.....

Chins with unknown backgrounds could harbor genetic diseases such as malo without showing any symptoms. However, they can pass it down to their offspring..malo is a very slow, painful death sentence.

I agree. As an owner of a chin who has Malo it is a heartbreaking thing to go thru to know this chin will suffer, and I have to put her down, because "possibly" someone bred her mom with out knowing all the facts or her background etc.

On topic:

I am glad you stuck to your guns and are out to educate the masses!;) I too often go head to head with people who just don't want to hear they are wrong. so Kudos to you for that!!!
I think it is great that you offered advice and that you have continually tried to give good info to this chin owner. You sound like you are doing all that you can, and hopefully the chin owner will listen. You can also offer this forum link, if you haven't already, as a good place for info.