
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
May 3, 2011
Hi my name is Amber! I am new on here. I have a question for anyone who can answer. I just got a new chin and he is a fur biter. I have only had him for 2 days now and I see little spots of fur missing on my chin that I have had for awhile. Is it possible that the one I just got is biting on the other shins fur? Babe is the one I have had for awhile. IHe had the most beautiful fur and I don't want it looking like ****oo which is the one I just got. What should I do?:hair:
Thanks so much!
It's possible. Or it could be that the other chin being there is stressing him out and causing him to chew. Try separating them for a little while or so and see if there's any difference.
Welcome to the forum amberlyn! First of all it is strongly recommended that you quarentine all new chinchillas (keep them in a separate room from your other chins) for atleast 4 weeks to ensure that the animal is healthy and not carrying any communicable diseases. Since you didn't quarentine it's pointless to separate them now, so just watch them both carefully and keep that in mind incase you ever get more chins :)

Can you post pictures of the fur? It could be one of several things. Your new chin could be a fur chewer, your other chin could be grooming him too roughly or picking on him, or from your description 'little spots of fur missing' it might be a fungus. We'll be able to help you out more if we can see pictures.

Since you just introduced the two chins keep a close eye on them to make sure that they are getting along, and that one chin isn't getting bullied. Good luck!

Hi my name is Amber! I am new on here. I have a question for anyone who can answer. I just got a new chin and he is a fur biter. I have only had him for 2 days now and I see little spots of fur missing on my chin that I have had for awhile. Is it possible that the one I just got is biting on the other shins fur? Babe is the one I have had for awhile. IHe had the most beautiful fur and I don't want it looking like ****oo which is the one I just got. What should I do?:hair:
Thanks so much!
Additionally, once quarantine is over, introductions should be done slowly, over a period of weeks. The chins could be fighting and the one you already had might be pulling the other's hair when they fight.